The Uncle

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Breaking out one of the most well-guarded prisoners in Azkaban—taking out Aurors, guards, and dementors while trying not to get killed by both the previously mentioned groups and deranged prisoners—was no small feat. In fact, until a few days ago, it was completely impossible to do at all, much less in an hour.

To Tom, though, it was just another typical evening.

He apparated to a small bit of rock just outside of the island's defensive charms. He could break through them, of course, but stopping outside allowed the dementors to see him. The robed figures swirled around where he stood on the rock, the violent North Sea constantly crashing around him. They descended upon them but as soon as he flashed his dark eyes, they recoiled.

Dementors respond directly to power. They obey darkness. Tom Riddle was their new master.

One of them shrieked before going back up to guard Azkaban. He had no use for them now, not when they had a steady stream of souls to consume in here. All he wanted was for them to see him, recognize him as their superior, and he did.

Now, he could break in.

A wave crashed around him but Tom held out his hand. The water hit an invisible wall before receding back to the dark depths. He looked up at the foreboding structure in front of him, the dark stone towering amongst the stormy seas. Then, he apparated inside.

He was attacked first by guards but a flash of green light had them dead before they could even pull out their wands. The Aurors were the next line of defense but they, too, were no match for him. With one dark look, a green light emitted from his wand and their bodies fell against the ground. He didn't need words, not with his power, power that had only begun to grow stronger since he met Evelyn.

The Aurors never stood a chance.

Tom had no qualms against killing them, no qualms against killing anyone, really. He wasn't lying when he told Evelyn he wasn't a good person. He never would be.

She was his everything. His entire soul was dedicated to serving her, protecting her, loving her. But even though he was tender with her, he would never truly forget who he was. A dark wizard. The dark wizard. He would kill and maim and torture without a second glance. He would burn the damn world if he felt like and then he would kiss Evelyn amongst the ashes to the harmonious sounds of screams as the flames consumed what was left.

No, Tom wasn't a good person. He was a powerful one and, in this world, there is only power.

A good person wouldn't be breaking one of the more notorious Azkaban prisoners out as a Christmas present for their... girlfriend? No, that didn't seem right. Girlfriend didn't seem like enough. Evelyn was so much more than that to him. She wasn't his wife (yet), nor his queen (yet), not even his lady (yet). Lover implied that she was meant explicitly for fucking and while he did enjoy that immensely, it wasn't the only reason he liked her. So perhaps she wasn't his girlfriend. She was just his.

Tom swiftly made his way down the corridor, ignoring all the cries for help coming from the cells beside him. He swore he heard Mattheo's mother scream from somewhere, though she was so isolated she would have no idea who was there, only that some dark wizard had arrived. He scoffed and made a point to avoid wherever she was. How his brother came from her, he'd never know. Their similarities seemed to boil down to their temper and love of knives.

Finally, Tom reached it. He opened the door and went inside.

"Sirius Black," he drawled, looking around at the room as he entered. For a prison cell, it was rather clean, as if the gangly man huddled in the corner had spent time keeping it tidy. "How would you like to leave?"

Darkness and Devotion - A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now