Bonus: The Bride

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Evelyn fiddled in her dress nervously. Today was the day. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. So why didn't she feel happy?

She stared at herself in the mirror. The long-sleeved, high-neck gown was covered with lace and a sweetheart neckline. The dress was straight but she wore a detachable matching skirt that added to the volume. The gown had taken the atelier several months to produce, which was perfect considering they were having a moody, November wedding. Evelyn's look was finished with natural makeup and a low updo. A long veil fell around her body, the train of tulle following her everywhere she walked. Her aunt had gifted her a pair of her mother's earrings for Evelyn's "something borrowed" and her uncle gave her one of Regulus's pocket squares for her "something borrowed". Evelyn didn't have a "something blue" other than her feelings.

This was her wedding day, the day she had been looking forward to for months. But now that it had arrived, she was feeling far from joyous. Was something wrong with her? Was something wrong with this?

No. She loved Tom. She loved Tom endlessly. It was the one part of the day she actually was sure about. Marrying him. 

Perhaps, then, it was all of the celebration. Yes, that seemed right. Evelyn had never been one for attention so the day of large celebrations seemed to fill her with nothing but dread. She didn't want to walk down an aisle with hundreds of people looking at her, all of them whispering about her newfound status of Dark Lady. She didn't want to clutch the bouquet, wishing she was clutching her father's arm instead. Sirius had offered to walk her down the aisle but Evelyn declined. He wouldn't replace her father, even if he was nice enough to try.

Evelyn didn't want to say meaningful vows in front of Death Eaters she didn't know and pureblood families she really didn't know. She didn't want to slip the ring on Tom's finger with shaky hands while they all watched. She didn't want their first kiss as husband and wife to be in front of hundreds.

All she wanted was him. Just Tom. 

Her heart ached as she searched the bond for some form of assurance from him. "Little Dove," he purred into her head. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she lied with a shaky voice. He had to have seen right through it so she quickly switched the subject. "You better not be looking at my dress. It's bad luck to see the bride on her wedding day."

He chuckled. "Well, then maybe I should. I am feeling very bad after all..."

Evelyn felt her core clench and her toes curl. "When can we be alone again?" She knew the answer to that already. Hours. It would be hours before she could be alone with Tom. First, they had the ceremony that she knew nothing about, then pictures with a photographer somewhere near the ceremony site, and finally the reception in the grand ballroom of Black Manor, which servants were diligently decorating as Evelyn stood in the guest quarters to get ready. She wished that she had someone to get ready with but Tom looked murderous at Mattheo's suggestion to help his future wife get into her gown and Evelyn didn't exactly have any other female friends. Perhaps she would—there were many pureblood ladies who were being rather kind to her now that she had a little more confidence to speak to them—but for now, she was alone. Tom was on the other side of the house in their room—which she insisted he take to get ready with his brother—and she wouldn't be alone with him again until after the entire day of festivities. It was just after dawn and Evelyn knew that she wouldn't be able to breathe again until night had fallen and it was finally them again.

Tom whispered into her mind, "Soon, my darling." And then she felt him disappear, probably to prepare.

Tom had eagerly taken on all of the preparations for the ceremony. Evelyn was more than happy to let him since she'd never even been to a party before she met him—it wasn't like her grandparents were going to allow her to go—and he had been to several. Mattheo offered to help plan but Tom said no unless she wanted their wedding to consist of "firewhisky and stupid little games." So he planned the entire day, telling her nothing of the ceremony but filling her in on the details of the reception. Three hundred and fifty guests. That's how many had been invited. There would be a grand dinner, large cake, dozens of deep red roses (her favorite), candles adorning every inch, and the string quartet from the Hogmanay Ball. Evelyn gulped at it all, though she plastered on a smile for Tom's sake since he seemed rather excited by it. 

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