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The next morning, Ellie woke up with a pounding headache that she knew she'd be sporting all day. The consequences of her actions, coming to bite her in the ass once again.

The cup of water on her nightstand still had ice cubes floating in it (a sign that magic had been used, no doubt), but she had no idea how it had gotten there in the first place. Much less, how she herself had ended up in her bed when the last place she remembered being was the Gryffindor common room with Flora, Frankie, and the twins.

All of a sudden, everything that had happened the night before came back to her in a rush of remembrance. She recalled Cedric taking her back to her room, bantering with him all the way there (though she couldn't exactly remember what it was they were arguing about--if they were even arguing at all), and then wanting to go straight to bed. He must have been the one to leave the water for her, being the only other person in Hufflepuff with access to her room as the other prefect.

Ellie took a moment, sitting up and squeezing her eyes shut, trying to banish the headache before reaching over for the water and sipping it tentatively. She sighed gratefully at the cooling feeling and garnered enough energy to swing her legs over the bed and walk to her closet.

When she found Fleur and Gabrielle's beds empty, she began to worry. Where had they spent the night? Hopefully they found a comfortable place, seeing as she had completely blanked and forgot to tell them she'd be at the party for Cedric.

She changed into her school robes and packed up her book bag before walking out into the common room.

Standing in front of the fireplace talking to one of the Hufflepuff girls--whose freckled face was about as strawberry red as her vibrant hair--was Cedric Diggory. Seeing him standing there with another girl, smiling at her and laughing at things she'd say made Ellie feel weird. She had a weird urge to pull him away for her and ended up giving in.

"Diggory," she called out. He looked at her immediately when he heard the sound of her voice. "Mind if I have a word?"

The red headed girl shot her an unhappy look as soon as Cedric quickly apologized and hurried off towards Ellie.

"What, Campbell?" he asked, sounding annoyed and looking as if he didn't run over towards her the minute he heard his name from her mouth. "Couldn't you see I was talking to someone?"

"Actually, I was going to tell you thanks for bringing me back to my room last night," she said sharply. "But it seems my thanks is void."

"You're welcome," Cedric said. "Now, can I please go continue talking to Avery?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"You're the one who pulled me away," he said.

"I- do whatever you want, Cedric," Ellie muttered, turning on her heel to walk up the stairs and go to breakfast. Instead of going back to speaking with "Avery," he groaned and trailed after her like a lost puppy. "Why are you following me?"

"Can't I just go get breakfast like a normal person?" he asked, adjusting the straps of his bag on his shoulder.

"You literally just said you were going to go back and talk to that Avery girl."

"I decided I was hungry."

"Mhm, yeah, alright."

The two walked in silence until Ellie spoke up about the tournament. "Are you nervous?"

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