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Breakfast in the Great Hall was as normal as can be. The other schools had found friends in the the houses at Hogwarts and sat with them. Fleur and Gabrielle had decided to sit with a small clique of other Beauxbatons students, leaving Ellie to find Frankie and Flora.

Flora was sitting with a younger girl and two younger boys, who Ellie quickly recognized to be Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter. Flora was practically their mentors, which was why she was always with them.

Ellie took a seat next to Flora, who was stirring her spoon around in her bowl, her cereal swirling around in the milk. "Good morning," Ellie said.

"Good morning," Flora sighed. "I'm not ready for classes to start. I cannot handle another year of listening to Snape's monotonous voice drone on and on about the importance of stirring the potion in the right direction. I think I'm actually going to run away and find a vampire to eat me before I have to do that."

"Um, no," Ellie replied. "No, you're not, because you're not leaving me alone in Snape's class. If I have to go through it, you're stuck right there with me, Flo." Flora groaned, but didn't make any other remarks. "Are you planning on entering the Tournament?" Ellie asked, offering up a conversation topic.

"I'm not sure," Flora said. "I'd like to, but in the extremely unlikely chance I do get chosen, I know I'd regret it pretty fast."

Ellie laughed. "Makes sense. I don't think I'm entering either."

"You two are lucky you are even allowed to enter in the first place," Ron Weasley piped up from across the table through a mouthful of toast and eggs.

Hermione Granger whacked him in the shoulder with a book she was reading. "Keep your mouth closed while you chew!"

"I dunno, I think it sounds too dangerous, Ron," Harry mumbled. "Plus, doesn't this school have enough going on every year anyways?" Ellie could tell that Harry felt guilty. She could tell he knew that it was his fault the Dark Lord had attacked Hogwarts for the past three years. 

"Hey, maybe this will go super well and whoever is chosen as Hogwarts' Champion will win and bring glory to the school for years to come," Ellie offered. "They'll obviously be worthy enough to be chosen in the first place, so they must be a really good person."

Flora nodded. "Definitely. Ellie, what class do you have first?"

"Umm, Care of Magical Creatures, I believe," she answered, reaching into her school bag to double check. "Yeah. With Hagrid."

"That'll be fun," Hermione said. "In this weather, you'll catch a cold in minutes."

"Good thing we're always overheating in these uniforms, then," Ellie replied with a smile. "Besides, I doubt Hagrid will have us working out in the Forbidden Forest while it's pouring rain. Nobody can see anything."

"It's true," Ron agreed. "You go to the courtyards and you can barely see the other side."

"Maybe he'll find an empty classroom for us to work in," Ellie mused. "That would be fun."

"I think you and Hermione are the only people I've ever heard call schoolwork fun," Harry said. "We have Defense Against the Dark Arts with that man who showed up during the middle of the welcome feast. Professor Moody, I believe."

"Oh! I'm reading the wrong thing, then," Hermione sighed, snapping her Herbology textbook closed and opening up the Defense Against the Dark Arts one.

"I still don't understand how you read at meals," Flora muttered. "You never fail to amaze me."

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