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The letter was sitting on Cedric's desk, waiting to be opened. It had been a couple of days since meeting Dahlia the Mooncalf and the Yule Ball was coming up soon.

He noticed the ink on the side facing upward was a bit dark in some spots, suggesting that the letter was quite fresh. It was addressed to him in his mom's perfect cursive and he opened the letter carefully, unfolding the parchment.

Dear Ced,

Your father told me all about the first Task. I'm so sorry I couldn't have been there, darling. I've been getting worse and more fragile by the day, and your father didn't want to risk my health by my being there. I don't want to sugarcoat it for you, my love. You'd know if I'm lying if I said I was getting better. It was probably the right decision, but I truly wish I could have seen you.

Cedric didn't even realize he was welling up until a single tear fell. He quickly brushed it away and sniffed quietly,

Amos also tells me that you and a certain Campbell girl are getting closer and closer by the day. Wonder what that's about. I hear there's a Christmas ball coming up. That's a wonderful opportunity to get to know her, wouldn't you think? Enclosed you'll find some money, enough to buy you some nice dress robes and her a lovely dress. Ensure that she finds something she loves, okay? I hope you'll ask her to go with you. If this little "crush" of yours is really as you describe it in your letters, I think it might border on something stronger. Ask her to go to the ball with you. I have absolutely no doubt she'll say yes. Take it into consideration, at least.

Anyway, it's lovely to hear that your classwork is going well. Keep up the good work and promise to visit before the holidays end, yes? I love you more than you could ever know, my darling.

All my love,


These days, Cedric would always find himself crying after reading his mother's letters to him. It was devastating to hear that she wasn't getting better. He had missed her so much at the first Task and the first game. 

In his desk drawer, he had a simple, small wooden box with a gold clasp that held every letter she'd written to him since his first day at Hogwarts, and he slid this new one into the box as well.

At the bottom of the bulging envelope was a baggie of money. Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. He made a mental note to let Ellie know that his mom had sent her money for a dress before sitting down on his bed and staring at his hands.

He twisted the silver band on his ring finger before sliding it off. It was engraved on the inside, a gift from his mother when he was just thirteen. She had been given that same ring by her grandfather, but Cedric's grandmother decided it was too masculine for her daughter to wear and insisted she wait to give it to a future son. The inscription read, All my love. Cedric tightened his fist around the ring and closing his eyes, as if trying to envision his mother's face.

The boy was convinced that the world would stop spinning if he lost his mother and just the thought was unbearable, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never push the thought that his world might stop spinning all too soon. Godric forbid that ever happened, but he knew there would one day be a world where he'd have to face that reality.

A knock on his dormitory door pulled him out of his thoughts and he exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Coming," he called out, standing up and sliding the ring back onto his finger. He swiped away the tears that had fallen and tried to make sure he looked okay. When he opened the door, he was met with the smiling face of the girl who had hated him just a few weeks ago. To say he was shocked was an understatement.

"Ellie?" he said confusedly.

Her smile dropped when she saw that he had been crying. "Cedric, what happened?" she asked, immediately growing worried. 

He shook his head. "Nothing," he said. "I'm fine. Do you want to come in?" He stepped aside to let her in.

"Cedric, something happened," she said. "You're not fine. You've been crying."

"Really, Ellie, I'm fine," he sighed exasperatedly. "Don't worry about it."

A realization dawned on Ellie and Cedric watched as Ellie's mind filled with possibilities. "Is it your mom?" It was as if she had read his mind. He bit his lip and pinched the bridge of his nose to keep from crying, but eventually he gave up. It was pointless. He'd cry anyways.

He sat back down on the edge of his bed and rested his elbows on his legs, folding his hands over his mouth. "There's a letter on my desk. If you'd like to read it, you can."

Ellie's eyes wandered to his desk, which was so neatly organized, where a folded paper was curling up into itself. "I wouldn't want to intrude," she murmured, not letting her curiosity get the better of her. "You can talk to me, Cedric. What happened?"

"Mom's not getting any better," Cedric sighed, trying to stop himself from crying. "And it's honestly just so much right now. I know it's winter break, but keeping up with Quidditch and trying to win the Cup, and my grades and of course my mom, but also the Tournament is such a big thing, and it all feels like too much."

Ellie stepped closer to him and crouched down in front of him. She reached for his wrist and Cedric had never remembered feeling more vulnerable. The girl he thought hated him was kneeling in front of him with a look of concern stronger than he had ever seen. "I know you're having a hard time," she replied softly. "And I know I'll never understand, but I'm here for you. Y'know that? You've got this, Cedric. Just take a breath."

Cedric sniffed and wiped the tears away from his eyes, breathing deeply. "What did you need?" he asked shakily.

"Professor Sprout asked me to come get you for something," she said. "All the Hufflepuffs are being gathered in Greenhouse two."

He nodded and stood, getting ready to leave. "Let's go then."



Angst is so fun to write <3

Love y'all to the moon and to Saturnnn

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