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The Three Broomsticks was always packed, but somehow, it got even more packed when it was winter. People were more in need of a warm butterbeer and a crackling fireplace than ever when it snowed, and Ellie and Cedric were no exception.

It was a "seat yourselves" type of establishment, so Ellie and Cedric looked for an empty table and eventually found one in a darker corner of the restaurant. They sat themselves down on opposite sides of the table before engaging in a conversation about anything and everything.

Somehow, the subject of pets came up, which made Ellie smile thinking of Vera May, her little cat who was probably curled up in an armchair by the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room back at Hogwarts.

"I've always want a dog, you know," she sighed, absentmindedly tracing small shapes over the cratered wood. "I love Vera to death, of course, but she's so independent. I'd love to have a pet who would actually want to sleep curled up with me. Vera just prefers to sit on a pile of blankets or wander around the castle."

Cedric smiled a little at that. "I can totally see you with a dog."

Ellie's lips quirked as she looked up at him. "You're only saying that because you hate Vera."

"Who says I hate Vera?" Cedric retorted, grinning back at her. "She's just a little menace sometimes, that's all. You know, like when she tears up dorm rooms and stuff."

"Okay," she scoffed. "Yeah. We'll go with that."

After a beat of comfortable silence in which the two were watching snowflakes fall outside the window closest to them, Cedric opened his mouth to say something. "So, how have you been recently?" he asked. "I haven't had the chance to ask and it's been a little bit."

She smiled softly as she turned back to maintain eye contact with him. "I've been okay. I could always be better, but right now, I'm just hyper focused on preparing for O.W.L.s and worrying about the Triwizard Tournament and everything. You probably know how that is better than anyone," she replied.

"What are you worried about with the Tournament?" he wondered aloud. When he noticed the red in her cheeks, he smirked. "It wouldn't have anything to do with me, now would it?"

"Full of yourself much, Diggory?" she scoffed. "Good to know some things still never change."

"I'm just saying," Cedric said, shrugging and crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned  back in his chair. "You're looking a little bit flushed, Ellie."

"Yeah, because it's freezing," she muttered, looking back at the window and resuming her tapping on the table. "Hogwarts is always the best this time of year."

"Christmas is always the best time of year in general," Cedric agreed. "The only thing I'm not so excited about is the fact that I really wanted to go home for Christmas. See Mom and Dad, you know?"

Ellie smiled. "Have they asked you to come home?"

"They want me to after the Yule Ball," he answered. "I might go. What about you?"

"You already know how it is with my mom," Ellie replied, giving a sad smile. "I think I'd stay at Hogwarts if she asked me to come home. I still need to take care of Vera and I'd rather celebrate the New Year with my friends."

Cedric was quiet for a moment and he watched her for a little longer. "Ellie, would you want to come home with me for New Years?"

She turned to him quickly and her eyes widened.

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