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Every step towards the Great Hall was equal to a thousand pounding heartbeats in Ellie's chest. While Flora and Frankie talked excitedly about dancing with their dates, both from their respective houses, Ellie couldn't help but think about the possibility of screwing up the Champions dance.

When they reached the grand staircase, like the one in that old Muggle children's tale about the princess with the glass slipper, Ellie told her friends to go ahead and that she needed to check her clutch and make sure it had everything.

She leaned against a pillar, head tilted backwards as she tried to take her steadying breaths once more. That was when Fleur Delacour wandered up to her. "Ah, Ellie!" she exclaimed. "You look absolutely incredible."

Ellie looked at her temporary roommate and smiled. "As do you," she replied. "Who did you bring?" She glanced over at the crowd that had congregated at the base of the staircase.

Fleur pointed out a boy in silvery dress robes that seemed to match her shiny dress. "Him."

Roger Davies was talking to Cedric, who seemed to be laughing at something the Ravenclaw had said.

"Come on," Fleur said, taking Ellie's hand and pulling her down the stairs. "Roger!" The sound of his name drew Fleur's date's attention as well as Cedric's.

Ellie smiled shyly and tried to keep up with Fleur, who was arm-in-arm with Roger already. "Hi," Ellie mumbled to Cedric. "Sorry about her."

Cedric's eyes were fixed on her face and he swallowed quickly before saying anything. "You look gorgeous," he told her. "Thank you for coming with me. I don't think I'd have been able to get a date with such short notice if you had turned me down."

"Why would I turn down someone I dance so well with?" she teased, looping her arm through his when he offered. That was when the trumpets inside the Great Hall blared, signaling the entrance of the Champions. "Speaking of which, are you ready?"

"Of course I am," he told her, smiling down at her. Ellie couldn't help but catch her breath at how close the two were. Still, she scrunched her nose and smiled back as they positioned themselves at the front of the line.

The heavy wooden doors were thrown open and Ellie and Cedric were the first to enter, Cedric having been chosen as the Champion for the host school. He led Ellie through the crowd, murmuring little reassurances in her ear. Mostly things like, "You can step on my toes if you have to," or "You'll do great."

Despite her joking demeanor in their conversation away from the crowd, the idea of dancing in front of almost the whole school was daunting, to say the least. "You'll catch me if I fall, right?" she whispered nervously, tightening her grip on his arm.

Cedric's hand moved to clasp Ellie's and he squeezed it comfortingly. "Yes, I'll catch you."

"Champions, take your places," Dumbledore said. Cedric held his and Ellie's hands out and moved his other to her waist as she moved her free hand to his shoulder, exactly as they had practiced with Professor Sprout. "And a one, two, three, four..." As the headmaster's voice trailed off, the band struck up a waltz tune and the Yule Ball commenced.

Ellie kept her eyes on Cedric as he led her easily through each step and piece of footwork that she had been so certain she'd screw up and found that it wasn't so bad. She focused on his eyes, the way he was focused on hers. "Your eyes are grey," she noted.

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