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Just like at the Quidditch match, the air was crisp and cool. The stands at the Quidditch pitch were once again full of students who each had their own homemade signs to support each champion. The Weasley twins were moving up and down the rows, asking people to place bets on who would get first place in this event.

Students still didn't know what the event was, but the twins had made quite the pile of money.

Hermione and Ellie were two of the only people not in the stands. They had decided to make their way down to the champions' tent where they were getting ready for the task to wish their friends good luck.

Ellie and Hermione slipped inside the tent and Ellie went straight over to Fleur, who was promising Gabrielle that she would be fine. "I'll do good, Gabi. Don't worry," she was saying softly to the little girl, holding her sister's hands in her own.

"Fleur's got this," Ellie agreed. "Do you want to sit with me so we can watch her do amazing?"

Gabrielle smiled and nodded.

Fleur turned around and flashed a bright smile. "You came!"

"Of course I did," Ellie said with a laugh, wrapping her arms tightly around Fleur. "I couldn't let you go out there without saying good luck first. What kind of friend would I be?"

"Well, I must admit, I'm a bit nervous," Fleur whispered so as not to let Gabrielle hear. "So you being here makes me feel a little better. Thank you so much for coming."

"Fleur, you're going to do amazing," Ellie promised. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure they won't put you in a situation where you'll get hurt."

Fleur shook her head. "They are," she muttered. "Harry over there warned Cedric, Viktor, and I that we would be facing off against dragons for the first task. I'm so nervous, Ellie."

"Hey, hey," Ellie said quietly, taking Fleur's hands. She had begun to shake. "You've got this. I know you do. Dumbledore isn't going to let anything bad happen. You're quite literally in the hands of the greatest wizard to ever live. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Just focus on whatever your task is and you'll be fine. I promise."

Nodding, Fleur took a deep breath. "Thank you, Ellie."

"Of course." She looked to the side where she saw Cedric pacing with his head down. "Gabi, do you want to wait for me with Fleur? I'll come and get you when it's time to go, okay?"

Gabrielle nodded and Ellie went off to where Cedric was. "Hey," she said.

Cedric looked up immediately. "Hi," he said, a smirk blooming on his face. "What brings you here, Campbell?"

Ellie rolled her eyes. "I'm here for Fleur, but I thought it'd do no harm to wish you good luck as well," she answered.

"I'm very flattered that you even bothered to come over and talk to me," Cedric said.

"Don't be too flattered. I'm about to leave." She crossed her arms and looked at Gabrielle, who was hugging Fleur tightly around the waist. "Hey, be safe. Please."

"This is new," he muttered, narrowing his eyes down at her. She had to look up at him. "You want me to be safe."

"Of course I want you to be safe, Cedric," she huffed. "I just don't tell you. Look, just promise me you'll be careful out there. Not that you're in any danger or anything, but we hardly have time for any major injur-"

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