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Ellie and Cedric were the first two in Greenhouse two so Professor Sprout took it upon herself to volunteer them as her helpers for whatever she was discussing.

"Good morning," the stout old lady said cheerily. "I've already taken the liberty of signing the two of you up as my assistants for this- ah, shall we say, lesson of sorts. I hope you will be okay with it and feel free to back out anytime."

"What is it?" Ellie asked.

"I will be instructing you two how to waltz, and you will demonstrate it for the rest of Hufflepuff House, fourth years and above," Professor Sprout told them. "Mr. Diggory needs his practice for the Champions' dance, which means the Champions will be the first to dance, and I selected you because you, Miss Campbell, are the other prefect and I assumed you would not mind."

Cedric looked over at Ellie and shrugged. "I'm fine with it if you are," he said.

She nodded and said, "Okay," to the Head of House. "So you just want us to waltz in front of the rest of the Hufflepuffs? Just to teach them?"

"Yes," Sprout replied. "Great! The two of you are on board. That makes my job a whole lot easier. Just take a seat next to me and we'll get started once everyone arrives."

The Greenhouse slowly started to fill with students, the girls on one side of the building, the boys on the other. 

"Good morning, boys and girls," she said once everyone was seated. "Very sorry to request you so early in the morning--and on your winter break, too. We have some very important matters to cover. Beside me are your lovely prefects, I'm sure you've met them before. Eleanor Campbell and Cedric Diggory. They are here to assist me with what we will be discussing."

Ellie looked at Cedric, who was staring at his hands.

"As most of you know, there have been rumors about a Christmas dance," Professor Sprout said happily. "The rumors are true! This dance is called the Yule Ball, and I sincerely hope you all will be as excited as the staff is. We have decided to take on this tradition that comes with hosting the Triwizard Tournament and take it as a challenge to make this the best Yule Ball to ever be hosted. Now, Ellie, Cedric, if you two would stand, please."

Ellie and Cedric both stood up on either side of the professor.

"Ellie and Cedric will be demonstrating a simple waltz," Sprout announced to the rest of the students. "Mr. Filch, if you will." Ellie hadn't noticed the old man in the corner with his ratty cat in his arms. He moved the needle of the gramophone onto the record and sat back in his chair. "Mr. Diggory, you will initiate the dance by offering Miss Campbell your hand."

Cedric held his hand out to Ellie, winking at her. She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile as she placed her hand in his.

"Now, you will pull her closer."

The students whistled suggestively and Ellie felt her cheeks grow hot. Cedric's arm twined around her waist delicately and he gently pulled her towards him. She was shorter than him, that was obvious, but she'd never thought he would be so tall. But then again, she'd never really been that close to him.

"Loosen up, Campbell," he whispered, stifling a laugh. "You're so tense."

She let her body relax into his arms as her other hand fell naturally onto his shoulder.

"One of you will need to lead," Professor Sprout told them. "Now, usually, it will be the gentleman that leads the dance, but anyone can start a waltz. Ladies, don't be shy! If you want to waltz with someone, you go right up to them and just ask. Cedric, Ellie, you may begin dancing. Everyone else, please get up and find a partner! You all need to practice your dancing or else your date might just ditch you in the middle of the ball!"

Students got up and started to find partners. All the while, Ellie and Cedric were laughing about something amongst themselves.

"I'll be honest, that was quite the day," Cedric chuckled breathily. "Snape not being able to find his cloak is always hilarious. That's surely my idea of a harmless prank."

"I dunno, I think it caused him physical harm not being able to whip the cape around everywhere he walked," Ellie replied. "He seemed so depressed when he couldn't scare kids that way. Those poor first years got a small break." She looked up from her shoes, where she was watching their feet to make sure she didn't step on him, and when she did, she noticed his eyes trained downwards as well.

His gaze met hers and the two stared in silence for a beat or two before snickering quietly and eventually bursting into laughter.

"Y'know, Ellie, it's kind of weird to think that a barely week or two ago, you hated me," Cedric said. "Now it's like the world has completely flipped upside down."

"I think I finally learned that the grudges I held weren't worth keeping," she responded with a smile. It wasn't far from the truth. A grudge from before she could remember was a grudge she didn't think was anything to burden herself further with and she found herself deciding to let it go.

"Hey, while we're dancing, I had a question to ask you," he said awkwardly, clearing his throat. "So, um, would you be totally opposed to coming to the Yule Ball with me?" When she went quiet, he tried to amend his statement. "What I mean by that is it just seems like this is a decent partnership--for dancing, I mean--and I think we'd be able to wow the crowd. And I kind of have to, considering the Champions dance first and all."

Ellie laughed. "Sure, Cedric. I'll go with you." She knew that wasn't the reason he was asking her, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him she knew why he had asked her. "Sounds like fun."

"Oh, also, in my letter from my mom, she gave me a ton of money for dress robes and stuff and I was wondering if you wanted it," he added. "I already have dress robes and I just thought you might want it to get a nice dress. I can take you to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday, since I plan on going this weekend for something, or you can just go with friends. I don't really care."

Ellie's smile was so wide her face was starting to hurt. She was finding his nervousness and awkwardness endearing in a way. "I'd love that."

"Soooo..." He drew out the syllables of the word. "Saturday it is."

"It's a date," she confirmed. When she found what she had said made his cheeks go red, she laughed triumphantly. "What's got you so red, Diggory?"

"It's freezing out here," he muttered, looking away.

"Yeah, sure," Ellie replied, unable to hide her smirk.

Something in her was wondering if she would finally be able to admit to herself that Cedric Diggory wasn't as bad as she had thought he was.



Lowk love this chapter lol

I live for anything Yule Ball themed (I actually went to one of the Yule Ball events that Pottermore hosted 🤯)

Anyways, one quick reminder to please vote on chapters you like! Also, please don't be a silent reader! I'd love to be able to interact with all of you! Thanks for reading. Love you all to the moon and to Saturn!

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