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The medical tent was a flurry of nurses all rushing around, trying to find balms and salves to apply to the side of Cedric's face. Despite it almost being melted off, the champion seemed to be in good spirits.

He was talking to a stout old man with stringy gray hair. Ellie quickly recognized him as Amos Diggory, Cedric's father.

"You did incredibly son," Amos was saying cheerfully. "I mean, what a show! You had the entire audience captivated from the start! That spell with the rock turning into the dog was truly amazing. I think everyone around me was holding their breath!"

Cedric tried to smile but winced and settled for a semi-happy expression. "Well, seeing as this was my reward, let's hope my efforts weren't for nothing."

Ellie rushed over to the cot he was sitting on, a large smile plastered on to her face. "Mr. Diggory!" she exclaimed. "It's wonderful to see you again!"

Amos turned around and gave Ellie the brightest, biggest grin she'd ever seen. "Ellie Campbell! Dear Merlin, is that really you? You've grown so much since the last time Dahlia and I have seen you." He shot Cedric a look. "I mean, in all of your letters, you could never include a pict-"

"Thank you, Dad," Cedric said loudly and uncomfortably. "That's enough of that."

Ellie smirked a little, not daring to say anything.

"How'd you get in?" Cedric asked, nodding over at where Ministry officials were guarding the tent. "Security's got this place locked down. Pretty sure it's faculty and family only."

"I told them I was your girlfriend," she replied with a shrug. "Apparently I'm quite the actor." She winked at Mr. Diggory, whose smile widened (if that was even possible). "Anyways, I came to check on you. That burn looked nasty."

The burned side of Cedric's face was hardly noticeable, thanks to the quick work of magical medics, and was just slightly pinker than the other side of his face. "Definitely wasn't fun," he muttered. He swung his legs over the side of the cot, scooting over and making room for her. "Sit, if you want. You don't have to stand."

She smiled a little and sat down on the cot next to him. She began making small talk with Mr. Diggory while Cedric sat and listened.

"Oh, before I forget, how is Mrs. Diggory?" Ellie asked. "It's been far too long since we've had the chance to meet."

"She's well," the man replied. "I do believe she's been asking Cedric about you in her letters to him. By the way, Liam and Jolene actually came over for dinner just a couple nights ago."

Ellie cleared her throat. "That's nice, I suppose. Did they say anything about me?" She had the slightest glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, they'll say something positive about her. Something besides the default, "She needs to do something other than work with those blasted creatures! She'll never find work in the Ministry with a career like Magizoology! Where's the money in that!?"

Mr. Diggory gave her a sad smile. "Just the usual, Ellie."

"Ah," Ellie muttered, her tone betraying a hint of disappointment.

Cedric looked at Ellie, who's eyes were downcast, and moved his hand towards her own just a little, reaching his pinkie out towards hers. She rested her little finger on his and shot him a grateful smile. 

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