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The single-track station was packed with students in gorgeous formal wear, all on their way home to their families and the people they loved for Christmas through New Years.

A loud, screeching whistle announced that the Hogwarts Express was pulling into the platform and students made their way to where they could get the best compartments. Ellie and Cedric let everyone carrying trunks on first before getting on themselves.

There was an empty compartment towards the back of the train that they both opted to sit in. Ellie sat opposite Cedric, turned towards the window so she could watch the snow fall. "I love when it snows," she sighed happily, propping her elbow up on the small shelf under the window and resting her chin in her palm. "Everything is nice and quiet."

Cedric watched her, the look in his eyes bright and soft. "I know."

Ellie looked at him and smiled. "Of course you know."

"How could I not?" he chuckled. "Just like rain, you and my mom love the snow."

"It's just frozen rain," she replied. "But something about the way it falls slower makes it feel more calm. Actually, rain is really calming. It's less chaotic. It's slower. Easier to tell where it'll fall."

"Vera isn't with us," he noted. "Do you have someone taking care of her?"

"Flora and Frankie will while I'm gone," she answered.

Cedric nodded wordlessly and looked out the window as well. The train started to move and for the majority of the train ride, the two sat in silence. Whether they were reading or watching the snow, all of that.

When the large engine stopped in King's Cross Station, Cedric and Ellie got out, being quick to leave the train before the narrow hallways were packed with students trying to get out first. When they were on the platform, Cedric grabbed Ellie's hand and said, "Follow me."

Her cheeks turned a light pink color, but thankfully, it was freezing which made it easy to assume that was why. Cedric led her through the crowd of parents exclaiming as their saw their kids in their Yule Ball attire.

"No, Amos, when they get here, you click that button," Ellie heard the wonderfully familiar sound of Mrs. Diggory's voice as she chastised her husband on how to use a Muggle camcorder. "That will start recording them."

Cedric was only spurred on by the sound of his mother's voice growing nearer and nearer. 

When Dahlia Diggory saw the two, it looked like her eyes brimmed with tears. "Oh, Ced!" she exclaimed, rushing up to him. "You look dashing." Ellie let go of his hand carefully so he could envelope his mother in a hug. "I've missed you so much, my love."

"I've missed you too, Mum," he laughed, hugging her back and burying his head in the crook of her neck. 

"And Ellie!" she gasped as she pulled away from her son. Ellie smiled shyly, clasping her hands in front of her. "Oh my goodness, you look absolutely stunning, darling." Mrs. Diggory's remark was quickly followed by a bone-crushing hug that Ellie hadn't realized she'd so desperately needed. "I'm so glad you decided to stay with us for break."

"Thank you for inviting me," Ellie said softly. "The invitation alone was very kind of you."

"Yes, well, Merlin knows I'd probably kill Amos if we were to spend Christmas and New Years all alone this year," she replied.

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