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Ellie woke up to a gorgeous sunrise outside her window. The thick blanket of fluffy white snow reflected the colorful light on the horizons. It was rather early for her to be up and she assumed no one else would be, so instead of wandering downstairs, she thought she'd rummage through the closet to find clothes to wear.

She found an outfit she felt was suitable and was about to close the closet door when something caught her eye. It was a pink journal with the glittering golden letters DIARY written on the spine. She reached up for it and let out a laugh. 

For years, Ellie had kept one single diary--the one she held in her hand. She'd never been good at keeping up with the habit of writing in a diary every single day, but she still wrote whenever she'd felt like it.

The most recent entry was from her fourth year, when she'd spent the summer at the Diggory's home because of a long work trip her parents were on for the break. She must have forgotten about it by the end of vacation and left it there by accident.

Ellie quickly changed and sat down on the edge of her bed before cracking open the diary and flipping to a random page.

She'd sat there for a long time, until the sun rose high into the sky, reading through the contents of her old diary with a bright smile. A knock on her door was the first thing that broke her focus. "Come in," she called.

It was Cedric. He was dressed in faded jeans with a navy blue sweater with tennis shoes. "Mom wanted me to come and get you for breakfast," he told her before glancing down at the pink book in her hands. "Is that your old diary?"

She nodded and snapped it shut. "Yeah, it is," Ellie replied. 

"I haven't seen that thing in forever," Cedric remarked, still looking at the book.

"I'm surprised you've seen it at all," Ellie countered, furrowing her eyebrows at him.

"You carried that thing around with you everywhere you went for the majority of our childhood," he told her, leaning against the doorframe. "Yes, I've seen it before."

Ellie dropped the diary onto her bed next to her before getting up and meeting Cedric in the doorway. "Let's go downstairs."

His eyes were still trained on the pink book. "I wouldn't happen to be in that, would I?"

Ellie looked from Cedric to her diary and then back to Cedric before bursting out into laughter. "Oh, you think too highly of yourself, Diggory," she told him, scrunching her nose before running downstairs for breakfast.

He smirked and followed her down to the kitchen where his mother was preparing French toast and scrambled eggs.

"So, what I was thinking," she said to Ellie, "was that perhaps you and I could go shopping today? I wasn't able to get you anything to put under the tree, but I do think a shopping spree might make up for that."

"Mrs. Diggory, you didn't have to do that," Ellie replied.

"Dahlia," the woman corrected, pointing a spatula at the girl beside Cedric. "And I did. You deserve a present this Christmas too, darling. Let's eat breakfast and then we can go into Diagon Alley. I'm sure Cedric and Amos will want to visit the broom shop while we're there."

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