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"First years, follow me please," Cedric called out over the loud chattering of students. "Again, first year Hufflepuffs, follow me please."

Ellie and Cedrics, being the Hufflepuff prefects, had to walk the first years, and this year, a few of the other schools' students, to the common rooms. Ellie was walking in the group of students as well as Fleur and Gabrielle, answering questions and getting to know some of the younger students she would be needing to know.

"Excuse me," a first year said, tugging on her robe sleeve. "Is the other prefect up there your boyfriend?"

Disgust hit Ellie like a flying horse-drawn carriage. "Oh, no, definitely not," she replied quickly, glancing up at Cedric, who was telling some of the first years at the front about the paintings and introducing them. "Why? What makes you think so?"

The first year shrugged. "I dunno. He was watching you a lot during the feast. I sat close to him and it just looked like you were the type of person to look at."

"Oh," Ellie said, unsure of if that was a compliment or an insult.

"It's true," Fleur piped up. "I wanted to ask you about it, but I never had the chance."

"We also guessed that you would be sitting with him if you were dating," Gabrielle added. The little girl had gotten out of her shell more. She was a lot more interested in conversing with everyone else.

"Yeah, no. He's the son of a family friend," Ellie explained dismissively. "We're not friends."

"Mhm," the first year hummed, clearly unconvinced.

Everyone stopped at the pile of barrels in the kitchen--the entrance to the common room. "Everyone needs to pay close attention," Cedric announced. "There is a specific pattern that you need to tap out onto the barrels or else they will drench you in vinegar." He looked over the crowd of students to make sure everyone was paying attention to what he was saying.

He made direct eye contact with Ellie and smirked. She knew exactly what was coming. "Campbell, you have experience with that. Come up here and demonstrate what happens if you don't do it right, would you?"

Ellie scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're delusional, Diggory."

Cedric shrugged. "Well, I tried to show you guys," he sighed dramatically. Taking out his wand, the prefect tapped out the pattern that was required to enter the common room. "Seeing as you guys are all going to mess this up a time or two, especially because you're new, there are hot showers just down the hall from the kitchen, so don't worry. You'll be alright. If you really can't get in, one of the house elves can try to help."

Everyone nodded and if those kids had a quill and parchment, Ellie was sure they'd be taking down notes of every word he was saying.

He flashed them all a smile, the same charming one he used to make Ellie's parents happy whenever they saw each other. A few of the young girls looked away and started giggling amongst each other.

"And if you are really worried, try finding an older student. They'll be able to get you in," Ellie told them. "Everyone, down the stairs, please. Once you're in the common room, find a place to sit. We have rules and basic safety things we have to go over before bed."

Once everyone was sitting down, Cedric and Ellie were standing at the front of the common room--much farther apart than was necessary.

"Now, you aren't allowed out of the common room past curfew," Ellie said. "Which has passed. If you are caught out of bed wandering the castle after lights out, whoever catches you will dock House Points."

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