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*QUICK NOTE: It's heavily recommended that you play the song "I See The Light" from the Tangled soundtrack whilst reading this chapter. Enjoy!



The holidays had passed by quickly. Too quickly, in Ellie's opinion. Hogwarts was creeping up on New Years and many of the students had returned to the castle to ring in the new year with their friends at the huge party that was being thrown in the Gryffindor common room.

Dahlia and Amos had insisted that Ellie and Cedric do the same; they were incredibly adamant that they enjoy their last year at Hogwarts with their peers.

The party was to be held in Gryffindor Tower after a special celebration the graduating class had put together that the staff had jumped on board with. The Champions played a big part in it.

Ellie was pulling the sleeve of her new dress that she had gotten with Mrs. Diggory up over her shoulder and fixed a strand of her hair behind her ear when someone knocked at the door. She pointed her wand--which had been sitting on the nightstand--at the door and it opened.

Flora poked her head inside, a bright smile on her face. "You ready?" she asked.

Ellie nodded and tucked her wand into a thin, small pocket that would conceal it. "Yeah." She followed her friend out of her dorm and saw Frankie leaning against the wall, chatting up one of the Hufflepuffs. Ellie sighed and grabbed Frankie by the elbow, pulling her away. "Sorry, Norman!" she called out as the three made their way down the common room stairs.

"He's cute," Frankie remarked, not bothering to look over her shoulder at the boy with the glasses. "In a dorky sort of way."

As they were walking fast, Ellie spotted Cedric standing by the fire with his friends and something in her made her stop.

"Ellie," Flora groaned. "If we don't hurry, we're going to miss the lanterns!"

"Go without me, I'll catch up," she said quickly, turning to walk towards Cedric.

As he looked up and saw her, a grin bloomed on his face. "There she is," he said to his friends. "Give me a second guys. You can go ahead and leave, I'll meet you guys outside."

His friends nodded and some gave Ellie strange looks as they passed by. She walked up to Cedric and said, "Hey."

"Hi," he replied. They started to head outside, walking slowly. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to ride in the boat with me. For the celebration, and all. I think Fleur's bringing Gabrielle, Harry's bringing Weasley and Krum's bringing Granger."

"The boat?" Ellie asked, confused. Why was he talking about boats?

Cedric laughed. "Yes. The boats. The Champions get to light the first lanterns and watch them in boats before everyone else. Then after that, everyone else can join us on the water," he explained. "What do you think?"

Ellie let out a short laughed before smiling brightly. "Absolutely! That sounds amazing, Cedric."

The two were leaving through the courtyard and making their way down to the Black Lake. On the small docks, there were three boats with two lanterns in each vessel. Fleur and Gabrielle were already in theirs and Krum was helping Hermione into their boat first.

Cedric and Ellie came out and Flora and Frankie cheered happily that their friend had finally come to watch the celebration. "Get on a boat when you can," Ellie called out as she and Cedric went down to the docks to get into their own boat.

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