14. cursed compass and a dead rooster

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"That rooster is getting on my nerves!"


"And we were right outside like this-" JJ demonstrates to Pope and Kiara. 

He explains a little more and then motions for the twins to follow him over to where Pope and Kiara are sitting. They all began to ruffle their hair to show the paint falling from their blonde curls. 

"That's dandruff, disgusting" Kiara makes a face. "Okay thank you" Pope says as they stop and stand back up. 

"Look at that!" Elio points to the floor. "That's paint" Emmi adds. "At that point, I was just like.. I'm waiting for death." 

"So, you saw the guys that shot at us, right?" Pope asks. JJ says yeah and paces around a little more. 

"Did you get a good description of them?" 

"Burly" JJ and Emmi say at the same time after a few seconds of silence. 

"That's not very helpful." Kiara rolls her eyes. 

"Like the type of guys in our dad's garage" Elio says, a little bit quieter, but everybody still heard him. 

"I can tell you with full confidence, these boys, these killers-" JJ blows smoke out of his mouth. "They're square groupers" 

Pope begins to question JJ and he does his best to answer everything. 

The twins go sit down by the couch, Emmi tired from waking up early and Elio tired from all the fighting. 

"The office" John b suddenly says, waking the younger Maybanks from their daydreams. 


"My dad's office. He always kept the office locked because he was worried about his competitors stealing his Royal Merchant research. We used to laugh at him like he was gonna find it, but now that he's gone, I'he just kinda.. I just left it as he kept it" They made their way to the locked door, Emmi and Elio trailing behind. 

"Yeah, for when he gets back" Kiara says, trying to comfort John b. Emmi, Elio, JJ and Pope all share glances between each other. 

John b opens the door and steps inside. "I've slept over here like 600 times, and I've never seen this door open." Pope says and kiara hums along. 

John b takes a board from the wall and sets it down on the table. Everybody gathers around it. "Here, look, this is the original owner, right here." John b explains. "Robert Q. Routledge. 1880-1920. There's the lucky compass right here." Kiara points to the picture. 

"Actually, he was shot right after he bought it" John b admits. 

He explains more about the people who have had the compass before and have died because of it. 

The twins' attention is not on John b, but the rooster outside. 

"Sounds like there's a reoccurring theme here." JJ starts and flicks the twins' heads so they would pay attention. 

"Yeah, you have a death compass" Pope claims, but John b is quick to deny it. 

"Get rid of it" Emmi says as she has finally understood at least a little bit of what the older teenagers were talking about. "It's cursed, and made its way back to you" JJ adds. 

"Look, my dad used to talk about this compartment in here." John b starts. "Soldiers used to hide secret notes" He opens the compass. 

"That wasn't there before" John b says as in the back of the cursed compass there was some kind of a word written. "This is my dad's handwriting" John b talks and explains about the weird R's his dad used to do. 

JJ takes the compass and shows it to the twins as they all try to figure out what it says. "No, I think that's an A" JJ mutters as him and Emmi can't seem to understand. 

"It says Redfield" Elio whispers to Emmi, carefully so nobody else would hear. "It says Redfield!" Emmi says louder so all the others hear too. She smiles gratefully to her twin. 

"How the hell did you get it before me?" JJ speaks frustrated and nudges her. 

"Okay, well, what's Redfield?" Kiara asks. 

"Like the most common name in the country" Elio says in a 'duh' voice. 

"Maybe its a clue" John b looks at the others. "Maybe it's a clue to where he's hiding" 

And again, Emmi, Elio, JJ and Pope all share glances between each other.

"That rooster is getting on my nerves!" Emmi exclaims. 

"JJ and Elio love the rooster" John b defends. "I love the rooster" Kiara adds. 

Pope begins to draw some anagram with the help of Elio. Emmi and JJ are just doing some random stuff when they hear John b yell, "Guys! Somebody's here" 

They all gather to the window, Elio between JJ and Emmi. 

"Guys is that them?" Kiara panics, but doesn't get any response. 

"John b, I told you." Emmi starts as they all back away from the window. "Why does it always-" JJ starts to say, but John b pushes him and Emmi against the wall by their upper arms. 

"Wheres the gun?" John b points a finger to their faces, but quickly lets go of Emmi, after seeing her expression. Now hes only holding JJ. 

JJ begins to stutter, not knowing what to say. "Now you don't have the gun, one time we need the gun?" Kiara panics even more. 

"It's in the backpack on the porch" Elio quickly says after seeing his older brothers face and his behavior. 

Emmi offers to go quickly grab it, but JJ declines and goes by himself. 

"John Routledge!" One of the men yell and JJ comes running back to the room. 

JJ pulls Emmi and Elio next to him, and Emmi grabs Elios hand, in a hope to relax him, since new situations always made him even more nervous than what he already was. 

"Get out here Routledge!" The men shout all kind of things while tearing the home apart. 

Finally somebody suggests the window and they try to open it, but it has been painted shut. 

Emmi goes to find something useful to open it with, since their strength wasn't enough, and pulls Elio with her. They find somekind of a knife and hand it to JJ. 

"You better not be in there!" The man tries to open the door and almost kicks it down. 

"Okay I got it" JJ and Pope pull the window open. Kiara jumps out of the room first and goes to the coop where the rooster lives. 

"You both go now!" JJ helps Elio out the window and then Emmi. The rest of them come and they run fast to where Kiara is. 

They watch as the men carry many boxes of John b's dad's things.

"Do something, shut him up" Emmi orders as the rooster just keeps screaming. Pope and Kiara argue about what to do, but shuts up quickly as one of he men takes a sudden interest to the chicken coop. 

JJ had enough of the rooster and tackles it down and begins to strangle it. They hear something snap and JJ drops the rooster in realization. 

Kiara begins to cry and John b takes her hand. 

The twins are still holding onto each other and they just wait till the men leave. 

The car drives away and Emmi breaks the silence, "Can we cook it for dinner?"

I have chanced Emmi's faceclaim to Hannah Murray and I have also updated the cast and intro! Go check it out

Thank you for reading ♥️ 

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