14th of February

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Today was the 14th of February, commonly known as the day soulmates spend their time together, cherishing their unconditional love for one another.


Two shrunken kids were standing in a corner behind the Detective boys.

Ayumi was excited to go home and watch a Valentine's Day-themed movie.

Genta was eager to go home because his mom would prepare a buffet for this special day.

Mitsuhiko was a bit indifferent about it - he did as Ran told him last time not to rush it and stay friends with Haibara Ai and Yoshida Ayumi. He could remember the caring smile on Ran's face. He didn't want to betray her.

As the kids they were, they went from talking about Kamen Yaiba to next week's exam. It was hard to follow their whole conversation without getting lost.

Behind Genta, Conan was standing beside the lockers, waiting for them to finish their child talk.

A familiar voice then interrupted his inner monologue:

"If waiting for them is annoying you can go, I'll tell them you felt sick." 

The girl was wearing a green shirt complimenting her short auburn hair.

She smirked as she opened her locker.

"Oioi I'm sure you'll tell  a more humiliating excuse like I peed my pants or something."

Conan was sure she wouldn't be kind even on Valentine's Day. She'd pull a prank no matter what.

Haibara was still smirking until she noticed a piece of paper fell from her locker. Conan took the paper and almost chuckled at reading its content. Haibara snatched him the paper.

"Did they teach you privacy when you were a kid?" She said, as ironic as it sounded.

It was her turn to read the content of the piece of paper. She read the content herself then made a paper ball and tossed it in the closest trash bin. As anyone could have guessed by the little heart drawn on the paper it was a Valentine's card. Well, it used to be one. Conan didn't react since it was the most logical thing.  Haibara was 18 years old in reality and every teitan elementary school student were children...It was self-explanatory. If it was someone as old as her like him she'd be evil enough to crumble the paper in front of him.

He flinched. Did he just take himself as an example? The idea of him writing a love letter to her..? The face of a Shiho Miyano in the snow flashed in front of him. What was he thinking again..? No Haibara would call him out as creepy for thinking all of this.


He woke up from his overthinking state turning around to find the detective boys around Haibara. He'd hear the word "like", "Valentines" and "card" being repeated. They were surely talking about that love letter she threw just before.

Ayumi was happy for her friend but tried reasoning with her as to why she threw the card away.

Genta told her that it would be great because the boy would offer her dinner for free!

Mitsuhiko was a bit annoyed but he tried his best to apply Ran's tellings by saying he was happy for Haibara.

Conan knew she'd refuse dating anyone let alone a child. He was kind of relieved Haibara didn't like anyone. Why? Maybe he was scared that a Black Organization member could try to lure her by romance. If it ever happened they could lie saying he liked her- Wait no. That's not it.

He remembered then what Ran said once when she was with Sonoko and Sera.

"I thought he liked Ai-chan..?"  Ran's voice echoed in his head like a never-ending headache.

He was just taken aback by the whole situation...Right? he sighted and just opened his locker.

There was a pink heart-shaped letter in his locker. With neat handwriting on it. Sparkly ink was used. He brushed off his thought of Haibara being the one who wrote the letter. He read it and didn't laugh since it was written Ayumi in the end. He wouldn't want to make his friend cry and the idea of Haibara taking revenge on him sent chills down his spine.

He turned to see Ayumi standing beside him, she had left the conversation between her and Haibara once she noticed Conan noticed her letter. Conan didn't want to show off as rude so he simply answered to her smile:

"Ah. you know, Ayumi-chan you didn't have to bother yourself and write this..."

"Yeah, but I wanted to surprise everyone for Valentine's Day!"  She was still smiling.

Everyone? Conan felt relief when he deduced she had made letters like this to all of her friends as a sign of friendship. Ayumi had kept in mind what Ran told her too.

"I'll go give out letters to some other classmates!" Ayumi was happy at the idea of seeing her classmates smile at her gift.

"We'll help you, Ayumi-Chan!" Mitsuhiko and Genta said surprisingly at the same time. They knew it would take time and wanted to help out Ayumi.

Haibara didn't take interest in it she merely said goodbye to the detective boys and walked away hands behind her back. Conan waved at them as he joined Haibara who didn't look back.

"You're lucky I won't take revenge on you because it would bother Yoshida-san," Haibara said closing her eyes, as she felt Conan walking beside her.

"OiOi I didn't do anything!" Conan defended himself.

They both walked in silence in the streets of Beika. Conan didn't think twice but he suddenly asked:

"Say, Haibara have you ever liked anyone...before all of his?..."  before all this tragedy before he shrunk, before Akemi died, before she shrunk, that's what he thought.

She didn't answer as quickly as she used to. He kind of regretted that slip of the tongue. So he said:

"My bad, I was just curious." Conan hoped she wouldn't mind.

"Yes, I have liked someone when I wasn't shrunken."

At those words, he felt his stomach heavier than ever he didn't know as much about Haibara as he thought he did. Who was that guy? Did they break up? Was he a good person? He tried to brush off this sudden sadness by asking:

"What was he like?" He didn't realize it but it came out as a desperate question.

"He was an eccentric person. Always on about his hobby, Reassuring and saving the day. Quite the admirable man." Haibara said under her auburn bangs as she looked up at the sky. She wouldn't say more.

Conan couldn't help but notice the similarities he had with that man. But he quickly brushed off the feeling of butterflies in his stomach when he knew it couldn't be him. Why did he feel bummed out today...?

As Kudo Shinichi, he'd always love this day. Some cookies from Ran, letters from admirers to cheer him on...Why did the simple fact that Haibara used to like someone hurt his guts that much? He felt like choking. That's when she somehow read his mind:

"Although it was more admiration from afar."

Even if he felt relieved about that, he shouldn't enjoy the pain of others. He chuckled:

"Geez Haibara I thought you were too evil for that kind of stuff." He walked in front, relieved about that man not being a rival- What was he thinking again..? He hummed as he walked, trying to forget how weird his mind was today.

"Dummy. That man is you. You're still as shallow as ever, Kudo-kun." She had whispered smirking sweetly.

"Hm? Did you say something , Haibara?" Conan had asked. He swore he had heard some whisper.

"Nothing," Haibara said as she walked, she put her arms behind her back, again, as she walked.

"I'll tell you the truth on the next 14th of February once we destroy the Black Organization." She promised to herself.

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