Dancing in our light. (1)

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It was a sunny day. The detective boys wanted to spend some time at Pr. Agasa's house to try out a new video game he made for them. The kids wouldn't refuse such a great occasion. They had played for a few hours now, won some levels, and got stuck at some. It was still fun.

"Genta! Quick! Get the key!" Had said Mitsuhiko who was a bit anxious they might lose at level 12 again. 

"Can we try to do the bonus quest and collect all the coins first..?" Ayumi asked, she hadn't noticed the boys were more occupied with completing the level than having fun. She sighed.


Haibara was sitting on the couch she was holding a science magazine. Not that she wanted to but it was to make sure she was following every recent discovery so that knowledge could contribute to her finding of a more developed antidote. She sighed. It was a dumb idea. What would she find in these magazines except the classic DIY volcano every kid had made, fond or not of science and biology? She put the magazine beside her and looked at the Kamen Yaiber-themed game the Professor had made. Undeniably, the old man had made some advancements and this game was better than the previous.

As she smirked at the kids dealing with their incompetent teaming up, which made advancing in the level so hard she thought she might as well tell them.

"You guys are missing an important key to victory." 

The detective boys turned to look at who said that. As she noticed she had their attention, Ai continued.

"Teamwork isn't efficient because Yoshida-san is left out, you should try and hear out her thoughts on level 12."

Genta and Mitsuhiko were a bit ashamed they hadn't noticed they were too busy trying to finish the level they didn't hear out Ayumi.

"I'm sorry Ayumi-chan, could you please tell us again what were you saying before...?"

Ayumi nodded. She was happy to be heard out. She wasn't the best of the best in games but she always loved playing with her friends.

"So as I said I thought doing the bonus quest would make it easier for us to complete the level."

"That's a brilliant idea, Ayumi-chan!" Genta was happy they probably had found a solution.

They did as requested and even if it took time, it had worked, they successfully completed level 12! They high-fived each other and turned again to Haibara.

"Thanks, Ai-chan, your advice really did help us out! Thanks again!"

Haibara insisted it wasn't a big deal, but she was glad she'd help them out in a way. She picked up a fashion magazine and read it with a smile since today's interaction lit up her mood. She read the articles and heard the background noises of kids planning a complicated strategy for their game. Surprisingly it wasn't that bad of a situation. She just kept reading as she criticized some articles and analyzed them.

Of course, any good thing is always disturbed. She felt someone walking in her direction. Ai didn't bother to stop reading her magazine and look up. The shrunken teenager knew exactly who was coming. It wasn't exactly suspense.

"Oi Haibara." the boy wearing glasses had said.

"How are you doing?" he continued.

The auburn-haired girl closed her magazine and crossed her arms, still sitting down on the couch. She perfectly knew what he was up to.

"I'm not giving you the recent antidote I updated." she answered, frowning.

She put a finger in front of her lips:

"And don't talk about a sensitive topic when the children are here."

He sighed as he knew his subtle approach would still make him get caught. But he resisted:

"If I explain the situation, will you consider your choice?"

Haibara massaged her temple. She knew Conan wouldn't shut up until she did as he wanted. Shinichi still explained not waiting for a yes or no:

"So a client emailed me about a case. The man explained to me how he was sure a murder would occur next week. I haven't answered his email yet because I didn't know if you'd give me the antidote to meet with the man."

As she thought for a bit about giving him the antidote, she asked:

"Okay. I'll give it to you. Where did the man say the murder would happen?"

Conan then replied to her question:

"I haven't sent him an email questioning him yet. I'll do that now."

He pulled out his red phone which he uses as Shinichi and started tapping on the screen, presumably emailing the man. Haibara just continued reading her magazine since Conan was still messaging the client. She found it suspicious that the man insisted a murder would happen. Would he kill the victim using a trick and simultaneously win an alibi somehow...? But why Shinichi Kudo? Why not Kogoro Mori? The shrunken detective probably thought the same but she'd ask him his opinion about the situation later...


After hours of playing and eating the Detective boys said goodbye to the professor and Haibara. The boy with glasses wasn't present so Ayumi confided to Haibara:

"Ai-chan, tell Conan-kun good night from us and tell him to stop overworking."

Haibara nodded, she promised to tell Edogawa once he was available.

The professor and Ai both discussed the current case. They had brushed off the possibility it was the black organization because The shrunken girl had stated they would never do such a move. It didn't feel like something "they" would do or "he" would. The idea of Gin being behind it made the auburn-haired girl shiver. 

After a while of conversation, they were interrupted by Kudo who came running:


She could feel concern and fear in his voice. Was it the Organization who emailed him as they had supposed before? If so, that was very bad, they now knew how to contact him.

Ai turned to look at him, waiting to hear what he had to say. She expected the worst of the worst.

"The man who emailed me asked for a partner my age to come with me to meet up."

Shinichi's age? It only made sense they knew Shiho Miyano was teaming up with Shinichi. It wasn't good. Conan then interrupted her thoughts:

"You're making an antidote for yourself too. You're coming with me next week. We're going to see that person." 

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