Dancing in our light (8)

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It was Tuesday morning.

Shiho was sipping coffee on the table while eating her breakfast, she was slightly tired. Her sleeping schedule was slowly breaking her. Shinichi on the other side had already finished eating off his breakfast. He was on a call with Ran, using his bow tie, this time to reproduce the voice of Conan Edogawa.

"Ran-nee-chan...Yes, I will be at a sleep-over with Haibara...Yes...Yes...I will make sure to brush my teeth and..."

Shiho tried not to listen to the conversation. She was slightly jealous but wouldn't admit such. He was so affectionate with Ran in both of his personas. What about her? She couldn't help but feel jealous about Shinichi's childhood friend. Whatever...She'd have to brush that off her thoughts. today they would meet with Oliver Eisher to buy some clothes appropriate for the occasion.

Maybe she could keep the dress for herself even after the event, though. She smirked at that. Shiho had completely forgotten about the reason she was in a gloomy mood.


After that, Shinichi, who had disguised his voice as Conan's, he hanged the phone and gazed at Haibara, still in her Shiho form, staring at the ceiling. Daydreaming. Was she thinking of Oliver Eisher? He rolled his eyes, in the exact way Shiho would usually do.

he whispered to himself;

"That Eisher... he doesn't deserve a brilliant woman like her"

Every inch of himself agreed with his observation.


When 'Conan' hung down the phone, Ran on the other side of the line sighed. She was still feeling gloomy about yesterday. She could break down crying at any moment! She decided she'd confront Shinichi about what she had witnessed this Friday because, well, she was overwhelmed right now. Taking care of her dad, keeping contact with her mom, Sonoko, Sera, Conan...Studying...Keeping up with her karate training. And making sure to remind her boyfriend they were dating. But turns out he was too busy with another woman! How ungrateful!

Ran was ready to bet they had made 'it' but knowing Shinichi was a coward on that topic she felt relieved. Jealousy was indeed a poison, huh? She tried not to whine right now, her dad would notice and probably try to go and beat Shinichi. As much as she hated Kudo for his actions, she didn't want to harm him either.

She wished she was that woman right now.


She wished she was Ran right now.

All the time.

She brushed off her constant jealousy from her brain.


Shinichi called her. Confused as to why she was so lost. It wasn't how she'd usually act. The high school detective shrugged her bizarre attitude, supposing she was uncomfortable, wandering outside under the effect of the Apotoxine.

"Yes, Kudo-kun?"

She answered startled. She chuckled, guessing her wish became true because he was staring at her, concerned as to why she was lost in thought.

He scratched the back of his neck while reminding Miyano:

"We should get going. Oliver must be waiting for us."

Shiho nodded. Maybe buying a nice dress would ease her mind.

As they were both outside, the modern Sherlock Holmes pulled his red smartphone, checking where they'd have to meet with Oliver.

Shinichi Kudo pointed to the direction that followed and Shiho Miyano simply followed.

Shinichi decided not to talk with Ai. He decided he'd need to stop talking that much to other women while his girlfriend thought he was busy. Well, he was busy with a case but still. plus, Haibara seemed to not want to talk that much.

He hated how dating restrained him so much. Daily calls, nicknames, gifts, and anniversaries were soon to come, and Ran's odd obsession with talking about children whenever Shinichi was around.

It wasn't really an obsession, he understood what Ran was hinting at and she just guessed he was shallow which was half true. He'd learned to understand Ran much more than before but some aspects of her were still unknown territory to him.

He chuckled at the words 'unknown territory' but quickly threw off his childish grin. Since when was the last time he'd laughed at his dirty thoughts? 

"Don't let your imagination undress Mori-san, you creep."

The woman with the wig had said. How could Haibara easily read his mind? He assumed his expression and his huge grin were obvious.

He said, stuttering;

"I wasn't-..."

He was as red as his phone because that's what his imagination had done for a split second but quickly erased the thought because he knew Ran would karate chop him for being perverted.

He pulled his cap closer to his face to hide his blushing face, but Shiho already saw him blushing immensely.

Lucky for Shinichi, he managed to control himself before the next victim was Shiho.

He was ashamed of himself, he'd ask later if this weird behavior was a side effect.


They entered a very refined shop whose name was some random word in French going along the lines of  'Aisé' which the solving crime partners translated to rich.

A woman came and salutated them.

"What a cute couple we have here! Are you both here perhaps for wedding dresses?"

As Shinichi denied so with Shiho beside him, crossing hands he tried not to think of a Shiho wearing a wedding dress. He was supposed to be dating Ran! He already has a girlfriend! Why can't his feelings seem to understand himself or was he the one not understanding his feelings..? Not as if he liked her that way!

"Then friends it is. Are you both here for something specific?"

Shinichi swore to have seen the woman be disappointed at them not being a couple.

5th time of the day people mistook them as a couple. Heck, an old lady thought they were married..!

And for some reason, whenever he'd hang with Ran they'd (elderly couples) mistake her for his big sister..? Yes, they resembled each other just a tiny bit and Ran had always been motherly towards everyone but geez, it was weird.


Haibara said to the woman;

"Not really, just meeting up with an acquaintance to help him out.."

The worker simply nodded and went back to organizing a few piles of clothes. She had winked at Ai. Only Ai herself knew what it meant.

Shinichi was standing, not caring about what was happening around him.

Why would he always think of Shiho over Ran? Maybe because she was just beside him right now.

"Eisher is over there."

Haibara pointed, as she walked towards Oliver's direction, not waiting for the detective.

As they both greeted Oliver Eisher, the British man asked as he smiled at the pair;

"So, what about we get started in choosing your fancy clothes for both of you?"


(Short filler. Sorry. I tried posting today but doesn't mean I am fully back. Exams are still occupying most of my time! I hope you liked the small tease between ShinShi.Hope you're thrilled about the next chapter hehe... ;D


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