Dancing in our light (12)

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Kimberly quickly put her phone in her purse and zoned out as she shivered, shook, and trembled from the fear. It could be a hater, but...She knew it wasn't. There had been so many signs something was wrong lately. There were countless they didn't let her sleep. When was the last time she felt this scared? She never did...but now? Kimberly was reduced to nothing more than a frightened and fragile person. Not the tough person facade she'd put on in front of everyone.

Her phone vibrated but she dared not open the mail or anything. That one message alone was enough to make her want to break into crying.


"Yokoo! Yoko-chan~! Yooo...Kooo."

"Cut it out, Dad. You're too drunk. I told you not to drink all the time. You should go to sleep at least."

Ran sighted. It was the same story every night. Mom could make him return to his senses but she wouldn't volunteer anyway. She got up from the table and decided she'd call Conan which she was supposed to do a few hours ago.

She quickly swiped through her contacts and called Conan. She glanced at Shinichi's contact but no. She wouldn't call him.

As Ran could hear Conan from the other side, she went to her room since the TV was on and her father cheering on the pretty singer would disturb the call.

"Conan-kun. A sleepover is supposed to last one night...Not days. Where have you been? You could at least visit a bit..."

Ran noticed that everyone around her seemed to leave her...It was painful.

"Ran-nee-chan, Haibara, and I have a project for school...So I'll stay at Hakase's for a few more days. Please?"

The whole conversation could be resumed with A 'kid' convincing a person to stay a bit more at a 'friend's' house.

"So...Conan-kun, don't forget to brush your teeth, brush your hair, help them do the laundry, and just take care. See you in a few days!"

"See you."


Shinichi just threw the bow he was holding on the table, as he hung down the phone. It was so awkward to talk with Ran while fooling her...How broken would she be if she learned Conan was merely a fake identity? The child whom she loved like a brother was a child that never existed.

He hoped his feelings for Ran weren't turning platonic because of his Conan interactions. He shook his head. That couldn't happen. He wouldn't let that happen for sure.


The teenage detective's phone vibrated. It was a message. He opened the message, excited like a child opening a Christmas gift...It could be Ran messaging him. All that emotion dissipated when he read the cold and uninviting message for Haibara:

Did you find any clues that could help Kimberly Eisher not get killed? Or did you lose your detective capacities because of the antidote?

Shinichi just chuckled bitterly at the remark so he typed:

Since when do you message me? Also, my detective skills are intact. I found numerous scenarios and people who might want to kill her as well.

A new message from Haibara appeared on the screen again:

Oh?Really? Tell me a bit about the suspects.

Shinichi noticed Haibara was in a better mood. That was great news. I guess the gift he opened still had a nice gift in it, even if it wasn't Ran's message inside it:

Did the ice queen stop feeling moody that she's talking to me? The suspects for now are mostly a bunch of popular actors that play in the same show as Kimberly Eisher. I'll send you the document.

Again, a notification showed Ai's message. He kind of liked texting with her in the end:

I'm texting for the sake of the case. And, it's just texting is better. I get to NOT see your face. I'll be checking the list of suspects right away. I could help. I've read enough rumors and blogs to know who would be capable of murdering her or not.

Yeah, everyone knows you only read magazines like an old lady, Haibara.

A quick message appeared again from Shiho:

Wanna try out with me if I'm capable of murder, Tantei-san?

He answered chuckling as he typed:

No, thank you. I'm fine with being alive. It's not that troublesome.

Shinichi couldn't help but smirk at the messages. She was still moody? Yeah, he doubted that.


Shiho opened the list on her phone as she read what Shinichi had written:

Warfare of Love - Female cast (suspects and their roles)

-Aoi Maemi 17 years old (Youngest member. Plays as the main character's little sister. Character name: Erika. )

-Yamane Mako 19 years old years old (Plays as the main character's girlfriend. Character name: Reina)

-Nara Eka 20 years old (Plays as the main character's mistress. Character name: Naoko)

-Tabata Rina 22 years old (Plays as the news reporter of the high school. Usually starts rumors about the MC. Character name: Yuki.)

-Kimberly Eisher 17 years old (Case's victim) (Plays the best friend of the MC. Hates and bothers Erika in secret. Character name: Nancy.)

MC: Not chosen yet. (The actors are just playing the scenes without the MC for now.)


Haibara murmured as she read the full list.


Shinichi was going on a great path. He planned the discreet appearance of the police. Had suspects, and knew how he'd appear himself with his partner at the ball without making any fuss. Wednesday was the day he'd meet up with the suspects in the same coffee shop and talk with them about Kimberly Eisher and Thursday, he'll try to make Kimberly at least message him. Perfect. Just perfect.


It was night now. Everyone was asleep apart maybe Shinichi, checking his information for tomorrow... he had asked the list of suspects to meet him at the Beika Coffe shop. They had all agreed. After a while, he decided he'd sleep. A great detective should never be tired!


A woman sat in her room. Typing on a phone as she smoked a cigarette. Legs crossed.

You can't hide. I'll see you in the ball, Kim.

That's what the American woman had typed, and sent to 'Kim'.

She looked through the window as she knew her plan was undeniably perfect.

She smirked as her blue eyes glowed with evil.

"Silver Bullet. A risk you're willing to take again..?"


(SORRY! I didn't post yesterday. Wattpad kind of crashed and deleted what I was typing. Seriously it logged me off and wouldn't work...So to make it up I'll post two parts today instead of one. Here's part one. Did you like the twist? :D)

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