Dancing in our light (3)

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It was already morning. The sun shone, bathing Beika in warm rays of daylight. Birds were chirping and people were already outside, some going to work some others going to school, they surely missed the weekend. Who didn't, after all? Well, Conan didn't. He was impatient to know more about the case. The shrunken detective was still on his bed. Edogawa could hear the distant snores of the sleeping Kogoro, literally.

The boy got up and put his glasses on. He brushed his teeth and brushed his hair-everyday routine. He put on his child's clothes and brought an empty backpack too. As the elementary school detective was about to open the door and directly go to Agasa's, a woman's voice stopped him.

"Conan-kun? I haven't prepared breakfast yet, you can't go to school with an empty stomach!"

Ran Mori was standing in front of him now, she had put her hands on her waist. Already wearing her uniform. Ah yes, it was Monday and he was supposed to go to school today but he couldn't, a case was waiting for him. In the spur of the moment, as he fidgeted with his glasses, he came up with an excuse:

"Ah you see, Ran-nee-chan I promised I'd have breakfast with Hakase and Haibara before going to school..."

Ran sighed as she spoke:

You could have told me before but I guess it's alright- Don't make Ai-chan wait!"

Shinichi nodded as he had noticed her wink at her last statement but he didn't say anything. He didn't understand. Why did people think that he and Haibara were lovers? It was weird coming from Ran whom he loved but he couldn't blame her since he was a kid right now! He opened the door and waved at his childhood friend before closing the door behind him. He passed in front of his mansion. He looked right and left, to be sure no one would see him enter the Kudo manor. he opened the gate and unlocked the door.

It was dusty now. Almost abandoned. He felt uneasy coming here after so many things had occurred... He wandered a bit before going to his room. He stared at his bed. How long has it been since he ever woke up or slept as...Kudo Shinichi. He opened the wardrobe that showered him in the dust. Kudo coughed, trying to dismiss the dust with his hand.

Shinichi was about to take a random shirt, pants, and clean underwear. But then he stopped himself from doing so. He never cared about looking good but the detective wanted to look presentable while being with Haibara. He chose something nice and simple, not wanting the young scientist to guess he cared much.

The modern Sherlock Holmes then left the manor as he had entered and quickly directed himself to the Agasa residence. He had to jump a bit to ring since he was still trapped in a child's body. Agasa welcomed him and let him take something to eat since the Professor guessed he skipped breakfast before coming here. The mini Sherlock Holmes drank a cup of coffee. He had deduced Haibara prepared the coffee for herself and knew he'd come so she had made more than necessary.

He smiled at the thought. She was a caring person but in her own way. That woman was a great mystery he'd never really solve. After finishing his food he got up to see the lady in question.

She was in her room, for once, not in front of her screen. The auburn-haired girl turned to see him when she felt steps coming in her direction. She smirked while saying one witty remark:

"Ara, look who we have here. I know why you're eager to meet me."

She pointed her finger to her table.

"Your pill is beside my computer. Hurry and take it in the bathroom before I change my mind."

As he looked at her table he couldn't help but notice 3 things:

A photo of her sister Akemi,

A photo of the detective boys,

And the Higo keychain.

Conan didn't dare to touch the keychain but simply asked:

"I thought you would have thrown away the keychain since it's in a bad state...?"

She had completely forgotten to hide that keychain. She quickly answered nonchalantly:

"As much as it's completely broken it's still a Higo keychain, Taintei-san."

That was only half the truth. The other reason is because he and the detective boys had done everything to find it. Yes, Edogawa had made it to get the antidote but maybe deep inside it was also because he cared...


The boy put his glasses on a nearby table and locked himself in the bathroom. He breathed. Even if he wanted to become himself again the transformation was terrible. It was always the worst.


The girl closed the door of her room where her computer was. She stared at the keychain for a bit before she gulped. It had been a while since she had attempted suicide with that drug.


She took the pill.

He took the pill.


In a matter of seconds, they felt their insides stretching, awful pains in their whole body as if they would lose consciousness at any moment. Their hearts beat quickly, unnaturally, skipping beats. They felt like their chests were getting punctured along with their lungs. Everything in their bodies was melting and stretching roughly. They would have screamed but the pain wouldn't let them.

After minutes of living hell, both sides put on their adult clothes.


She wore a red shirt and white jeans, accompanied by a pair of boots and a jacket.

He wore a blue suit, one that looked similar to his other suits but had different noticeable details.

Red and blue, what a match.


They both went to the living room and stared.

They never really saw each other as adults in relaxed situations but in dangerous ones. This was also a risky situation but still.

The no longer shrunken detective (temporarily, that is.) wanted to break the ice and try to talk with the ice queen. He scratched his neck as he let his instincts lead him:

"You...You look gorgeous, I guess."

Shiho smirked at that.

"Ara, I would have said the same to your regard but you might get too proud of yourself."

Irritated, the great detective said:

"Tsk I'm trying to be nice."

He had to admit he still meant it. Her half-British face gave her some sort of elegant charm, one would think she wasn't witty and colder than ice.

While he was lost in thought, Miyano pulled a wig from her red purse and put it on. It gave her long dark brown hair. Although Kudo preferred her lovely auburn hair the dark brown hair did suit her too.

He coughed as if that would clear all his thoughts.

The woman with now dark brown hair asked:

"Shall we go?"

His face manifested a pink tint:

"Uh...Y-yeah. Let me just take some things."

He put in the empty bag the clothes he had worn as Conan along with the watch, the bowtie, the detective badge, and his shoes. The half-Japanese girl put on her purse her detective badge. She asked Kudo to put her child's clothes in his bag since her red purse couldn't transport much. he guessed that the woman she was, Shiho had brought some makeup.

"Say, Tantei-san, how have you planned the presence of the agents...?"

His trademark smirk was drawn on his face:

"You'll see once we're there."

He opened the door, and the gentleman he was, he let Shiho exit first. She had smirked at his behavior. She'd surely tease him to try and forget the fear she had calmed down since last Friday. She trusted Shinichi so she'd let him do his job and try not to be scared.

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