13th of February. (2)

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(CONTEXT: I didn't plan on making a sequel for the 14th of February but I don't turn out requests as I promised, so enjoy reading it! THIS DIFFERS FROM THE AFTER THE DARKNESS WE SHINE AU BUT IS THE SAME AU TO THE 14TH OF FEBRUARY!!)



The moonlight cast upon the windows and the stars shone by its side. The silence that accompanied the dance in the night was mesmerizing too. An auburn-haired teenager lay on her bed. Contemplating the sky through her window. It was 3:00 AM already. She wasn't at peace as her eyebrows frowned at her thoughts. She perfectly knew. Tomorrow was the day. She remembered her 18-year-old self promising to make a love confession once the wicked Organization was brought to an end. The Auburn teenager had concluded that by the time they would destroy the Organization, she and the detective would already be old. A bit too old. And they only had settled on an antidote that would only make them grow at a child's pace instead of an instant one.

She settled for tomorrow. What if she got killed and couldn't tell him? Years of waiting was enough, right? Well, tomorrow was her day.

 "Ice queen." that's what he'd call her because of her relentless attitude. Funny how that queen in question was feeling cold tonight. Under layers of bedsheets, she was. She couldn't sleep too much was going on in her brain. She sighed and settled up to go and drink a glass of water. Maybe it would refresh her troubled mind. Maybe it would ease her thoughts that her love interest would reject her, hate her laugh at her... She walked, making sure to not wake up Pr. Agasa or the other teenager. Yes, he slept in the living room because "Conan" had refused to accompany Ran and her dad on a trip for the karate champion's employment. He said he didn't feel like it. Kogoro didn't care and Ran just said he was just growing up and it was ok. 

He peeked at him while she passed in front of the living room. As much as she considered him cute for sleeping in ease she was jealous because she didn't find any sleep. The sight was still cute anyway. He always had frowned eyebrows except when he slept. She then kept walking. Ai had again got distracted...

 The half-Japanese was slowly drinking her water.  It felt as if whatever she drank fell into a void. As she was going to pour herself another glass, she noticed it was empty. She opened the fridge and it blinded her with the light, it wasn't pleasing like the moonlight, she thought.

She jumped when she heard a voice. The light of the open fridge made it visible enough that the modern Sherlock Holmes was standing in front of her. What a timing. She swore she had walked without making any noise that could wake him up.


His voice resonated in the whole kitchen. Kudo was half sleepy and half worried about her. his eyes piercing through her trying to make her tell the truth, his hair was a bit messy, and he wasn't wearing his glasses. She probably looked as messy as him. But he pulled it better. The shrunken girl noticed she had been staring a bit too long so she quickly answered:


She knew what his next question would be. It was quite obvious.:

"What are you doing...? It's 3:15 AM. You should go to sleep."

Bingo, she had guessed right. The sleepy detective was waiting for her answer before going to sleep. He had a feeling she would tell a tease even at 3 in the morning. The shrunken detective was right. She teasingly said:

"You sound like a parent here, saying to her adult daughter it's past bedtime. I was just drinking water."

Shiho put her hands on her waist, visibly annoyed.

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