Dancing in our light (7)

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Shiho stood there. Arms crossed. Her auburn hair was in a messy ponytail, and Miyano's face wasn't covered by her bangs either. She wore a lab coat that matched the raven attire she wore under it. He had to admit she looked stunning even if she didn't try to.

"It's rude to stare at someone."

Her mellow voice had interrupted his thinking, again. He noticed he tended to stare a bit too much recently...He had to excuse himself;

"Ah my bad, Haibara. So, you're here for the vaccine you discussed, right?"

She nodded, trying to brush off the fact she'd hear him mumble 'damn'. She wasn't familiar with teen slang but the scientist guessed what he had meant. What a man. Dating one woman and staring at another. She couldn't help but roll her eyes;

"Follow me. I'll give you a shot." she enunciated as she took the lead.

Shinichi followed but asked, doubtful of her skills;

"But you're not a doctor, right?"

Shiho didn't look back at him but explained to him as she put her hands in her pockets:

"Yes but back then I was trained to give shots. I already gave myself one. I may not have the legal right to do it, but you must trust me. It's not like there was another doctor here."

She had a point. And it's not like Shiho was crazy enough to hurt him.

He trusted her.

She trusted him.

He followed her, letting her lead the way. Shiho walked, looking down she had so many thoughts gushing in her head. Too many. Shinichi was just behind her, looking around the Agasa residence even if he was familiar with it. Why? He was embarrassed at his recent interaction with her. The walk was short.

When Miyano opened the door to her room, she instructed Kudo to sit down and pull one of his sleeves up. he waited silently as the scientist prepared the vaccine with preciseness. She wanted to ensure the vaccination would go well and that he wouldn't get injured in the process.

"So you're not scared of vaccines, are you?" Shiho articulated when noticing the quietness between them.

Ah, there it was, her tease. The best way they'd start their conversations.

"OiOi I'm not seven years old." He protested while smiling.

As much as it bothered him he did enjoy it. It was some sort of tradition between them.

Shiho approached him, holding the vaccine. She leaned closer and held his arm. The young scientist observed a vein and then after a while gave him a shot. It didn't hurt but the feeling wasn't pleasing either.

"There you go, little boy." She said with a smirk present on her face.

She then continued the tease;

"You were really brave. Want a candy?"

Shinichi brushed it off by replying in a teasing tone as well:

"Nah it's all right old lady."

She rolled her eyes at that. Miyano remembered when they were at the match. When she told Conan she was just one year older. perfect for him. Shiho had to admit that she always wondered if he had understood that she did mean it. She shook her head. he was too shallow he probably had forgotten that interaction.

Shinichi got up. "Thanks for the shot." He said.

Shiho removed her lab coat, revealing the entirety of the raven attire. There wasn't anything special about it but it looked good on her.

Shinichi had to mentally slap himself. Again. he left the room first before Haibara would notice he was being a huge creep today. Maybe it was because he suddenly became a teenager for a long time? Must have been that, right?

He thought he could go and call Ran to forget how weird he was recently. Finally, he'd call her without using the bowtie he'd always use as Conan. Kudo sat on the nearest couch, pulled out his scarlet flip phone, made sure that it was Shinichi's and not Conan's, and called Ran's number.

By the time he called, Ran had instantly responded as if she was waiting for his call. It wasn't the first time he'd have this impression but he shook it off as coincidences.

The detective was quickly welcomed with a woman's voice screaming in his ear. Lecturing him on how he had disappeared for months now, how their couple wasn't going well...The poor Japanese teen had to excuse himself 20 times in the span of 5 minutes.

"But of course...I do miss you, Shinichi." Her soothing voice had said, she was more sad than angry.

"Ran..." What a good friend she was. He laughed at himself for thinking that. What a good girlfriend she was.


"Shinichi I think we should have a break for a while. I know you must be in hardship, so don't worry about our couple for one month or two, okay? I think I'll do the same." Sobbing was heard on the other side of the line, but before he could stop her, his girlfriend had already ended the call.

Why did she end the call? Why was she sobbing? Was it because he was too absent?

He clenched his hand. His nails pierced through the layers of his skin. Kudo undeniably felt bad for Ran Mori.

How complicated she was, like Shiho. She was mad at him, sorrowful, and then started sobbing out of nowhere.

He would possibly never understand the women in his life.

He sighed out loud.


Ran sat on her bed. Head in her arms crying her soul out. She could barely even breathe properly. Tears made her vision blurry but she didn't care. Beside her was a picture of her and Shinichi when they went to Tropical Land. The Ran in the photo was smiling, unlike her.

Ran brushed her hair with her hand, resentful and sad too. She was a mess, her feelings were a mess too. It was hard to act happy with Shinichi when just today, in the morning, when Conan had left to eat breakfast with Ai she'd seen something she wished she didn't.

Her boyfriend told her all the time he was busy doing this, that, solving cases. She had accepted things as they were but she didn't believe her eyes. he had lied. Just this morning, this damned morning, as she cooked breakfast, she glanced at the window;

A pretty woman accompanied Shinichi Kudo, the detective was wearing a cap as if he didn't want to be seen by his girlfriend.

As Ran remembered the scene, she fell into weeping again.

Shinichi was cheating on her.

(Sorry this was shorter than usual. I wasn't very inspired today. Sorry if this part is just uninteresting trash filler but I don't want to rush things up. Sorry again if you expected something I hope part 8 will be good...Stay tuned :D)

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