Dancing in our light (13)

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It was Wednesday. Shinichi and Shiho were taking the same path they did on Monday to meet with Eisher.

The tension between the partners had chilled a bit. They were walking side by side, unlike last time.

Shiho would occasionally adjust her wig. She eventually decided to start a conversation. They wouldn't get in a fight and not communicate while investigating a case. Come on.

"Have you found anything I should be aware of?" She said.

Shinichi turned to look beside him. It was still slightly weird to see her with a wig:

"No, I haven't yet. Maybe we can pull some information from the cast today."

Shiho Smirked:

"Let's settle on something. I help interrogate. I'm sure they'll be comfortable confessing to a pretty girl their age instead of a sleep-deprived Detective."

Shinichi looked at her as he spoke:

"You're sleep-deprived as well. I see no difference between us."

Shiho crossed her hands as she responded:

"Yes, but a light touch of makeup conceals a lot. I won."

Shinichi chuckled:

"That's cheating!"

Kudo's eyes widened at the word he said but quickly returned to normal. Shiho didn't notice his reaction but she rolled her eyes at being accused of cheating.

The partners walked and passed again in front of the Mori Agency. Ran dared not to look at the window the whole day. Kogoro was reading the newspaper and his head could be spotted from afar. Shinichi chuckled. It was good to solve a case for once without the old man getting all the credit for himself...

Ran was in her room doing her homework, she was hardworking because she had to ace this project for school. She was so concentrated...


As the duo walked, they finally entered the Coffee shop. Unlike last time, there wasn't any tension or feeling of an organization member trying to lure them.

They'd settle for the staff room just like they had with Oliver. They would take turns with each woman in the cast.

The women were all wearing sunglasses, caps, and accessories that wouldn't get them recognized since the series they were playing in was recently a big hit in Japan.

Shinichi and Shiho walked over to the table where the cast was sitting. 

"I'm the assistant and he's the detective. We'll ask each of you separately in the staff room." Shiho said as she pointed to the staff room.

The girls looked at each other and nodded to the half-British woman.

Shiho continued: "Miss Aoi? You'll be coming first, please."

As the girl heard her name, she quickly got up, hitting her thigh with the table. She rubbed the spot that was touched as she followed behind Shiho, seemingly more comfortable around Miyano than Kudo despite the scientist's cold nature. Aoi looked down at the floor. She seemed anxious. it's not like every day you get to be interrogated by police.

As the three entered the reserved staff room, they closed the door. Every employee was used to it now.


"So, Miss, we will start with a few questions regarding your relationship with Miss Kimberly Eisher. Do tell us everything you know, please." Shiho said.

The entire conversation concluded with learning that Kimberly and Aoi's relationship was quite awkward, never talking to each other except for the occasional death stares and competitive aura Kimberly would unleash. 

All the answers from each woman gave the same conclusion:

Kimberly had no close relationship with any of the girls but had a sense of rivalry with each of them.


The partners sat in the staff room. The cast had already left. Shinichi was in deep thought. he was frustrated. No leads and they had only one day left before Friday night. 

He wanted to spend time with Ran once he quickly solved the case but it turns out he won't.


Haibara raised an eyebrow.

"Haibara, we have no leads and barely any interesting information or clue...We'll just have to keep an eye on Kimberly for the whole dance..."

"I guess even the brilliant detective can't solve a case without enough evidence hm."  She adjusted the bangs of her wig.

"I'm a detective I can't read minds." He rolled his eyes as he pulled up his phone and called Inspector Megure to tell him they'd have to go with no clue at all. Hopefully, everything will be alright.


The patterns walked their way back home after taking something to eat in the coffee shop. They were too tired to talk, plus it was getting dark, they should hurry up to go back to Agasa's residence.

Shiho walked in front of Shinichi, looking around since it was dangerous at night, especially as a 'retired' member. If only she was really retired.

After a short walk, they entered the Agasa residence and before they could reach the door,  the scientist squinted her eyes since it was dark, in front of the door... It was Ran!

Shinichi, still behind Shiho was looking at the sky, seemingly too preoccupied to notice Ran in front of them. So, Shiho did the best thing she thought of, taking a grasp of the great detective's arm and they both hid in a bush. Before Kudo could groan because of the fall, Shiho put her hand in front of his mouth. They both peeked through the bush. Shinichi quickly understood. 

Sure, he'd wish he could go now and tell her he was sorry about a lot of stuff, but it didn't feel right to say sorry for being too absent and then proceed to disappear...Again. 

So they both observed. Both of the partners, close to each other. It was awkward as hell. Both of their breaths were tangled with anxiety as they watched. Shinichi glanced at the woman just beside him twice. Okay, maybe more than twice but it was quick.


Ran was standing in front of the door, knocking occasionally, waiting for someone to open the door. She was there to check on Conan. Yes, she trusted him but...It wasn't only that. She wanted to get some news from Shinichi by pressing the Professor. It wasn't very nice but she had to. She had to know what was going on.

She weirdly felt a presence behind her but come on if it were to be some burglars she'd kick them. After glancing a bit around her, trying to make out the shapes since it was night, She turned back in front of the door once she heard it unlock.

"Ah! Ran-kun! It's a surprise to see you...Especially at night...!" The professor knew why she was here and tried to block the entrance.

Ran tried to look behind the professor's shoulder. Trying to see if Conan and Ai were behind the professor. She'd never know Conan and Ai were behind her...

"Conan and Ai are already asleep..." The old man said nervously.

"Oh...I wouldn't want to disturb but..." Ran said looking at her slippers.

"Do you know about the woman Shinichi seems to be hanging out with?"  She said, staring at Aagsa intensely.

(Sorry for not uploading in a long while. I'm still alive. I won't give up on this. It's just I had busy days and mini burnouts. We're reaching the end of dancing in our light guys...Anyway, what did you guys think? I forced myself to post this chapter today. I don't know when I'll go back to my normal schedule of posting chapters. What do you guys think of Dancing in Our Light? I feel like there are inaccuracies but idk...See you soon for chapter 14!!)

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