Dancing in our light (15)

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It was Friday morning. Beika was as peaceful as ever. Shinichi was rereading all the clues they had and checking every nook and cranny. Something was missing for him to connect the dots.

And that was Kimberly Eisher's testimony. She was surely the one who knew the most. She was the one who knew the truth Shinichi was striving for.

He had tried contacting the woman on many occasions but she would never answer. Shinichi even tried to contact her through her brother. It didn't work too. Nothing worked. His only chance was to talk to her once he was in the masquerade ball but, seriously, how stupid is it to question the victim the night they're going to be murdered? 

Kudo got up and put all his information back in the folder. Yes, he was a detective, but no one could solve a puzzle with a missing piece.


Kimberly Eisher sat in her hotel room, scrolling through her email, trying not to stumble on the eerie anonymous messages. She didn't feel safe recently. She was scared she'd receive another email like that. If so, it would drive her crazy. Not that she wasn't already losing it.

Another notification made her phone vibrate. It was that anonymous person that would send shivers down her spine: 

Have fun tonight.

Kimberly didn't think twice and tossed her phone. It hit the wall so she cringed. Hopefully, her phone was still intact.


Ran had an idea. If Shinichi was cheating on her... Then it would mean he would return home tonight... What a classic. 

She wished Shinichi just told her the woman was no one. But she genuinely didn't feel like answering his calls. 

Shinichi would always solve everything through calls. This time, she wanted to solve it in person. Ran had the impression their relationship was degrading. It wasn't like before.

Maybe she should go and tell Sonoko what's on her mind. Ran got up from bed and went to get ready to go to high school.

Haa...How she missed when she'd walk with Shinichi in the morning... But things were different now.


The detective boys were confused. Conan and Haibara weren't going to school anymore. They had asked Ran before going to school. She told them Conan was at Agasa's for a while. 

So the kids ran in the direction of Professor Agasa's residence. They knocked. Before they could let the professor greet them, the three detective boys interjected:

"Why aren't Conan-kun and Haibara-san coming to school..?"

"Yes! Why is that? Are they sick? I hope Ai-chan and Conan-kun get better soon if so."

The professor decided to go with the classic 'they are sick' excuse. It was believable enough:

"Ai-kun and Ku- I mean Conan-kun are both sick they caught a cold. They're asleep for now. They'll return to school next week, alright. Now...Go to school. You don't want to be late."

The children didn't fully believe his story but they decided it was enough for now, they waved at the professor as they ran away, since they were a bit late for school.

Agasa closed the door and sighed in relief. It would have been a mess if any of them decided to enter the house or anything.


Ai, still under the effects of her antidote was on her computer, taking note of every sensation she and Shinichi had felt through the whole week. It was important to the advancement. Anything, even the smallest detail could prove to come in handy if Haibara were to develop the antidote further.

After she finished typing in everything, she pushed herself from her desk and stared at the ceiling. It would be tonight that they'd intervene, Ai still had a feeling the organization was behind this...but...Then again maybe they weren't. She couldn't know. Her senses to detect members wasn't as sharp as before.

"I'm glad. That means you're feeling comfortable in your new life."

That's what Kudo told her when she said they couldn't count on her ability. he wasn't even mad...Just understanding: 

As if he let aside everything about the organization. About her past. It was just that: a friend happy for their good friend. She felt treasured. 

She smiled faintly at the memory.

Haibara turned off her computer and sat straight on her chair as she gently held the photograph of her older sister. Akemi. They couldn't communicate anymore but through thought, merely by thinking deeply, Shiho felt like she was being listened to by her dear sister. As if she was behind her, patting her shoulder as she let out every feeling she had bottled up through the months, every experience. Even the smaller ones, even the ones she found insignificant. Just like the old times. When they'd sit by somewhere, forget the outside world, and talk about everything and nothing.


Shiho whispered as she shut her eyes close.


It was getting darker outside, soon it would be time for the crime-solving partners to go to the masquerade ball.


Vermouth was driving her car. As she drove, the wind pushed her blonde hair aside, she slightly dug her reddish nails into the wheel. She maneuvered to the right. She was heading to where the masquerade ball would happen. Vermouth was holding a cigarette between her lips, red because of her lipstick.

It was a beautiful shade of black outside, the stars being the grandiose glitter of the gigantic dress the night was, the moon being its witness, being the faint light to those who dare adventure in the night. We often forget it, don't we? Although the night might be enchanting it is a pit. A dark pit. You'll never know where your enemies hide after all. Not until sunlight replaces the moonlight.

That was the color of Vermouth's dress just like the night sky, a long black dress with the only difference being... There weren't any sparkles on it. It was just like Vermouth. No hope for the future...Except for a small one: The silver bullet. The fastest bullet of all that will depass any danger no matter the situation. 

After being lost in her deep train of thought, Vermouth instinctively smirked and turned to look in the passenger seat beside her.

"Are you ready?" Vermouth said, a glint of excitement in her voice.

"...Yes. Yes, I am."

Had answered Kimberly Eisher, holding tightly the seatbelt. The only thing she hoped that could protect her from this twisted enigma of a woman sitting beside her.

(Ooof. This is kinda the finale so I wanted to show the thought of everyone involved in this chapter. Sorry, not really Shinshi/ Coai. I think it needs to be equilibrated or else the ship will feel bland which isn't the reality of Coai. I hope you like the twist. Bet you can't guess what will happen in the comments. See you soon for the end of Dancing In Our Light. Love y'all.

For those who read everything, and are patiently waiting for the end, thank you so much, it makes me even happier and excited to post. You guys count on me so I'm not giving up. As always remember you guys can post requests for the next one shot. Hopefully not as long as this one which cost me almost 20 parts... Do people even read this author's note? lmaoo

Also, I don't know if the ending will satisfy you all but I want what I think is fair to the story and most importantly to EVERY character. I'll try to post coai fluff and not complex angst after this ends hahah..


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