Dancing in our light (2)

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Conan then interrupted her thoughts:

"You're making an antidote for yourself too. You're coming with me next week. We're going to see that person."

The three of them were silent at that being said. One would suspect that the detective he was, would feel suspicious it was a complex scheme and try to contact the FBI agent Jodie Starling. No, he wanted to take his chance and hunt those men in black by himself. Even if he was a detective, this was Kudo Shinichi we were talking about.

Haibara who was sitting, got up. While stuttering, she tried to sound strong:

"Are you brain dead?! Going to the trap knowing it's a trap doesn't make you smarter!"

Conan knew it was a risk bringing Haibara with him but had to. He wished he could come alone but he wanted to hunt Gin and Vodka so he protested:

"Look Haibara I know it's a risk, but I'm willing to take it. I'll be there, agents will be there too, it will be okay. I'll try not to concern you too much but please just come to the meeting with the client. You'll put on a wig for precaution if you want!"

Haibara was as scared and as angry:

"You're planning things out as if I had agreed! I refuse to come! Ask the man to contact the detective of the east instead! Or are you too egocentric you don't want to lose a case opportunity?!"

He replied, defending his previous point:

"We're meeting at a coffee shop there's nothing to worry about as long as agents are around us, and didn't you just say it could never be the organization making a dumb move?! Damn it!"

She shouted this time:

"They're asking for a woman your age to accompany you! Isn't that a bit too odd taking in mind I'm a damn fugitive they're seeking for?!"

The girl standing in front of Kudo was on the verge of sobbing. Shinichi knew he was asking her too much but it was a perfect opportunity to catch them if they managed to trap Gin in his own trap.

"Haibara. You've trusted me many times and have found solutions to our problems, so please trust me this time too."

The shrunken detective didn't sound frustrated anymore but understanding instead. Ai didn't want to sound like someone who was easily convinced however, she wanted to finish the Black Organization's evil doings as well. She thought for some minutes and answered, trying to stop herself from sobbing every instant:

"I am still not convinced but I also seek to catch them. I will admit you've protected me on multiple occasions so you'll do the same this time too, right?"

She had calmed down her fears but she still remained fearful.

" I promise I'll protect you, Haibara."

They both smiled as they faced the problem and solved it together.

The professor sat in the background as much as he was glad they resolved the problem as quickly as it had started he couldn't help but feel worried.

"When is that meeting exactly, Shinichi-kun?"

Shinichi checked his emails to find the precise date:

"It says... It says it's for next Monday at a coffee shop in Beika."

Agasa counted on his fingers and then questioned:

"But isn't the planned murder supposedly on next Friday? You and the police have barely the time to plan things out!"

Haibara then interfered:

"The client perhaps found out tardily or has had a motive to reach out too late."

As both possibilities were plausible, what could be the motive or why did he find out barely some weeks before the murder? Why was Shinichi called even if he has been less and less demanded by people recently and why did a woman his age have to accompany him? What was going on? Hopefully, the man would answer all their questions and enlighten them.


Ai was typing on her computer she was doing a copy of another antidote for herself. It was easier than making an updated remedy but it was still draining. She looked at the flashing screen of her computer waiting for such a thing to finish loading, copying and pasting this and that, writing a new entry... It was tiring. She sipped some coffee while still monitoring her screen. She didn't like the idea of wandering as Shiho Miyano. Going outside as Haibara Ai with the everyday possibility of her dying was already awful but as Miyano Shiho...? That was just adding more to the already existing problem. And... It felt awkward to talk to Kudo under the effects of the antidote. She sighed. She thought that maybe they could spend some time afterward not as kids but... He was going to meet up with Ran. How stupid. They're dating and she shouldn't interfere but...At least just spending time as friends would be enough for her...


Shinichi was a bit pissed. The anonymous man refused to speak further on emails and would only answer at the meeting. Was he trying to be cautious...? Could it be someone was supervising his every move? That means the supposed murderer was a smart guy. Maybe he would take advantage of their meeting to kill the victim..? What if the man messaging him was the victim?! Kudo was frustrated about the whole case. So many possibilities! He'd ask Haibara later since she was good at giving him ideas.

He lay on the couch thinking about the antidote. He would have preferred to use the antidote to go and spend time with Ran but he couldn't he was probably going to spend the whole Friday solving the attempted murder. But on the bright side, he would spend some time with Haibara. He slightly blushed at his thought. The idea of solving a mystery together in their adult forms wasn't as bad as he thought a few seconds ago.

Maybe if they finished the case sooner they could spend time debating about anything. He smiled at his thoughts again. But he couldn't help but wonder, who was the anonymous client?

He turned on the TV going through the channels, there wasn't anything interesting tonight. Haibara then walked and sat down. Intrigued, Conan looked at her and asked her:

"You finished the antidote for yourself?"

She yawned and answered:

"Almost. I'll finish later It's tiring."

Before Edogawa could turn and continue looking at the TV, Ai stated:

"By the way, Yoshida-san and the boys told you goodnight and she asks you to not overwork yourself."

At that statement he blatantly responded:

"OiOi she should tell that to you, not me."

The shrunken girl protested:

"Oh really? You're the one asking me to accompany you out of all people."


Conan just shut up. The way she put that sentence was as if he had asked her to go on a date... He just stared at the TV. He was still curious about the whole case. In two days, they were going to finally meet up with the man.

(I said it would take 3 parts but MAYBE it will take more hope you'll enjoy it!)

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