Dancing in our light (14)

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"Do you know about the woman Shinichi seems to be hanging out with?" She said, staring at Aagsa intensely.

Shiho pressed her hand. Making sure Shinichi wouldn't gasp.

It all made sense for Shinichi now. That's why Ran acted so off recently.

Because he was with Haibara.

Shinichi felt guilt submerge him suddenly. Because of him, Ran imagined the worst scenarios and made herself suffer. Kudo would usually think before acting but he didn't even think once this time. He was about to get up. He was about to go towards Ran. To tell her everything he wished he would have before. To tell her she was the only one.

But he felt someone pushing him to sit back again.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she had whispered in his ear.

Silence in the bush.

She sighed. "I get it. But do you think things will get better if you appear out of a bush with me? Seriously?"

Shiho frowned her eyebrows when the thought of him getting out of hiding to confront Ran occurred to her. Whenever she was around, she'd become the assistant. Nothing more. Nothing less. Which meant she didn't have the right to interfere in their relationship. Oh, wait. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't be able to interfere.

She kind of lied to him when she said things would get worse if he were to get out of hiding. Knowing Ran, knowing their love, everything would work out again if he explained. Shiho didn't want their reconciliation to happen in front of her. It'd make her happy, yes, but unhappy as well. In the back of her mind no matter how she had accepted the course of things, she still had hope even if it was impossible, when she'd see him smile at her like that...The hope would grow. But now? It wasn't hope. It was her hopelessness acting up.


Ran heard the bush move slightly but concluded it was a cat or something of the sort. She turned her head back to Agasa. Waiting for an answer. Waiting anxiously. She half wished not to hear the truth. Unlike Shinichi, she wasn't always eager to learn the truth. Like now, for example.

Agasa looked right and left. He couldn't lie about not having seen Shinichi with Haibara but what could he tell her?

"Ran-kun...She must be a client. You know well Shinichi." The old professor suggested. Talking about a partner would make Ran worry even more.

"But...Why did they need to hide their identity...? Why did he?" She protested.

"Maybe it's an important client that mustn't be seen with a detective?" The professor defended.

Ran opened her mouth as if to say something but quickly stopped herself. She was getting nowhere. Agasa knew nothing or wasn't ready to tell the truth. She sighed internally. After saying good night to the good old professor, Ran went back to the Mouri Agency, her phone's torch lighting the way.

Just after Ran's departure, The partners could finally breathe. they got out of the bush. Shinichi knocked at the door of Agasa's residence while Shiho picked up some leaves from her hair.

It wasn't long after that Agasa opened the door. A bit annoyed to be woken up again but relieved that it was 'Conan' and 'Ai'.


After being let into the residence, he sat on the sofa, Shinichi let a sigh and Shiho crossed her arms. She was taking bits of leaves out of her hair once in a while.

"Well, that was close enough." Said the detective.

"It's still not over for you. I'm sure she'll confront you soon enough." Retorqued the scientist.

"I'm sure that if I explain her everything she'll forgive me." He reassured.

Shiho raised an eyebrow not fully taking what he said.

"Okay okay, she won't forgive me instantly but I'm sure she will at some point. This is Ran we're talking about." Shinichi added.

He just sat there, tenderly smiling at the thought of Ran. At the same time, Haibara's hopes were going low. That smile he would usually do would make her hopes go up but not this time, because the smile, being more tender than usual was directed to Ran and not her.

Haibara suddenly got up and walked towards the room where her computer was waiting for her.

"Where are you going Ai-kun?" Asked professor Agasa.

"I've got some research to do." Answered Ai.

The professor simply frowned eyebrows at her answer before looking at Shinichi who seemed clueless about the whole interaction.

Shinichi couldn't help but wonder. Tomorrow. That was it. The day of the masquerade ball. It was weird for Shinichi, he knew almost nothing about how the murder would happen and he didn't even have potential suspects, not even one! His only solution is to watch, listen, and act whenever something suspicious happens. He had decided such with the police officers who would be there with him and Haibara.


Ran sat in her room, she didn't feel like sleeping. She held her phone in her right hand and debated if she would call Shinichi now.

She put her phone on the desk. She'd call Shinichi tomorrow. For now, her sleep was more important!

Although... she couldn't help but let some tears fall as she fell asleep under the moonlight.


Haibara looked at her hands, still skeptical about the antidote. Would it work until tomorrow and probably even until Saturday? She would wish it wouldn't work so she wouldn't have to be in that masquerade party but there was no doubt, she had used the right components for everything.

She turned off her computer and lapsed on her chair, observing the ceiling as she tried to make sense of everything that happened to her today.

She let a sigh escape her mouth.


Shinichi sat on the sofa of the living room, arms crossed, thinking about how weird everything was in this case. Something felt off.

He checked his contacts, he was about to call Hattori and maybe he would give him a different point of view on things although he doubted it. Hey, maybe he could tease him about Kazuha as well.

Shinichi then waited for an answer from the other side of the phone.


Vermouth sat in her hotel, she lit a cigarette, then held it between her lips, with her other hand, she typed an email on her phone. A smile formed on her face as she typed each letter:

Are you ready?

Tomorrow will be the day you take your revenge on her.

I am sure you can do it.

: )

She put her phone on the table after sending the mail and got up, observing through the window every passing light.


(Sorry for the short chapter. We'll soon finish Dancing in Our Light. I can't believe I finished a long story for once lol. Have you enjoyed Dancing in Our Light? I'd love to hear from all of you! I am bad at making cases so don't expect something big. Not that I'm better at romance lol.


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