Dancing in our light (11)

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He was embarrassed about what he was going to say. Really embarrassed:

"Okay. Here goes nothing."

"Haibara I kind of always disapproved about you and Eisher being together but...It doesn't concern me. it's your choice and I'm...I'm sorry."

A big laughter could be heard.

It was the first time in ages he'd seen her laugh like that. Was she mocking him? It didn't matter as long as she was happy. Seeing the evil yawny-eyed girl laugh so hard she had to catch her breath felt so surreal. She was panting because of all the laughter, letting out butchered sentences:

"Ah...Hah...Kudo-kun...I already knew...You hated him...hah ah... But did you need to say it so seriously..?"

Geez. Was he overreacting? Was he the only one disapproving of Oliver? The only one on earth? The modern Sherlock Holmes noticed Haibara stopping herself from laughing. She was always good at putting up a facade quickly. Sucks, it was kind of nice to see her laugh.

"Kudo-kun. We don't have that sort of thing going on. Do you manage to see a total stranger and a fugitive being together? he could be with the Organization...With Gin. Where did your deduction senses go?"

"Well no - but... Then again it rubbed me that way. never mind the misunderstanding."

He was good at deducing but not at relationships...But Shinichi wouldn't say that to Ai. She'd taunt him again even if he didn't mind seeing her burst out laughing.

"You know?" Haibara said as she put her cup on the table.

"You should worry about you and Mori-san. Not me and Eisher." She glanced at him. Waiting for a correct reaction from him.

Shinichi was a bit startled by that. Even Haibara Ai guessed he should worry about HIS relationships, not other people's.

"Yeah, you're right. I was about to call Ran just now." Shinichi pointed at his phone as he left the scientist's room.


Shiho just sighed as she went back into tapping symbols and combinations of letters that appeared on her blinding screen.

Shinichi let himself fall by a wall. Repeating to himself:

"Stupid, stupid, stupid."

He swiped through the list of contacts. He had to go all down to find Ran's. It has been a while since they'd called. Go figure. He'd call a police officer more than his girlfriend!

He waited a bit this time. Usually Ran would directly answer but not this time. Maybe she was busy as she said before. After a while, Ran answered the call. Kudo buckled himself to prepare for whatever Ran had on stock for him this time.


That day.

The girl left the coffee shop, running away, as fast as her dress would let her. Why did she think her brother Oliver would comfort her? He never did. He just wanted to know more. So he could tell things to everyone! She'd start to tear up as she waited in front of a bus stop. In barely a few minutes, the bus stopped and she entered. She threw a bunch of coins to the driver and went to sit somewhere by the window. Ignoring the looks she earned from the passengers.

She just looked through the window thinking. That ball coming Friday. She'd take revenge. That's for sure. She blushed and grinned at her own choice...She'd do it!

Her heart was beating faster than usual, faster than the first time she drank or slapped someone. She hid her unusual grin behind her hand. How exciting!

At the next bus stop, a woman, probably in her thirties asked Kimberly:

"Excuse me, young lady, may I sit down here?"

Kimberly Eisher scanned the woman, analyzing every inch of her. What a poor woman. Using a bus in her thirties, no car? What a pity, she thought to herself.

The woman noticed she was being judged, she held tight on her oversized pink shirt. The pressure was awful.

"Yeah, yeah you can sit down, ma'am."

Kimberly emphasized the ma'am. Go figure.

The 'old' woman sat down, pulled out her phone, and typed on the screen. Kimberly went back looking through the window, her only source of comfort as the bus drove her home, far, far away from that ungrateful brother of hers. She'd always return to him like a dog, but not this time. This time she'd take things by her own hands.

the grin she had before became so large, that her rosy cheeks felt stretched.


Ran was about to say something on the phone but she cut herself and ended the call. It wasn't an accident. Shinichi just sighed out loud. Come on! She had the right to be angry but not talking things out won't fix anything! Wasn't she the one who said they'd need to talk things out?!

Kudo typed on his phone:

You said we'd need to talk things out for our relationship to work. Why won't you answer?

Shinichi's phone vibrated, and a message from Ran appeared on the screen:

Yes, I know. But we'll talk things out on Friday night, we'll meet at XXXX at 1:24 pm.

That was different. Usually, there would be a small heart beside each sentence. Maybe she was tired and busy. he didn't answer the message. The great detective held his phone tighter. Something was off with Ran.

He bit his lip. Was he stupid? That message was the testimony he was one.


A tear fell on Ran's phone. She wiped it off, accidentally touching Shinichi's profile picture. It had been a while since she'd seen him grin like that with her. Or just seeing him for short.

She saw Shinichi saw her message but didn't answer. Good, she didn't want to force herself to talk with him but...He didn't seem worried. Mori then imagined a scene where that mistress, the 'brunette' girl was asking Shinichi to quickly put his phone back in his pocket, so they'd continue their date. She shook her head. If it was the case, he wouldn't even call while with a woman.

Now that she thought about it, Conan hadn't been home in a while. She'd call him to make sure he was doing fine. Conan was a smart boy, he wouldn't do something bad or get lost. He'd arrest criminals but...She was still worried. She put her phone down on the table, where the picture of her and her boyfriend when they were in Tropical Land, but it was in her drawer now. It would stay there until they had arranged things for good.

"Dad! What do you want to eat for dinner?"

She said as she went to the kitchen.


That day,

as Kimberly looked through the window, her phone vibrated in her purse. She pulled out her phone and clicked on the email. How weird. It was unknown. She opened the message, expecting some scam, agency, or whatever sponsor.

Something is waiting for you, Kimberly Eisher.

Kimberly shivered, almost making her phone fall. The grin she had before had turned into a mouth full of clacking teeth. What was that message...?


(This will contain a mystery and all. First time writing one so please don't expect much!)

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