Dancing in our light (10)

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As Shiho and Shinichi were walking, both of them tried not to walk side by side. They both felt awkward. Especially Shinichi. He felt like a big cheater like he should treat his partner with respect and respect her choices if she loved Eisher. And maybe try to concentrate on only one woman at a time. That woman being Ran. He should go on a date with her to excuse himself. He still felt awful since she had sobbed on the phone.

Shiho felt weird. Yeah, she was happy Shinichi seemed to care a bit but...Ran was the one who should worry Shinichi, not her. Haibara was fine, but Ran wasn't. She hadn't called Shinichi twice a day like she used to. She just doesn't anymore. Maybe she should stop talking with Kudo and hope the couple gets fixed on the other side...

As they were both walking, each of them had their faces hidden by wigs and caps.

They passed in front of the Mori Agency. Shinichi held his cap tighter than usual. Shiho guessed why but didn't care. She was thinking. Not only about Shinichi but...her whole life.


Ran was looking from the Mori Agency window looking at the streets as she thought to herself. She had a few tasks to do but she was lost in thought right now. She was observing the window as if Shinichi would pass by and she'd jump him to make sure he'd say every- Oh wait she promised herself she'd confront him this Friday.

Ran was holding her fist tightly.

And that's when Shinichi passed by again, holding his cap with the same 'brunette' girl!

A huge noise announced itself.

Ran broke the plate she was holding.

She quickly went back to cleaning the mess, slightly forgetting what she saw again.


Shiho walked behind him this time, unlike last time when she was just beside him. She wanted to not go to the ball but then again...

She remembered what he told her but quickly brushed it off, as always.

Maybe if she went home to research more for the antidote, her mind would be at ease...?


They quickly arrived at the Agasa residence, they quickly parted ways.

She went to her room.

He took his phone and started to masquerade as Conan, explaining the situation, then waited a few good hours before calling her this time as Shinichi.

He told her that they'd have a date at the Beika coffee shop. Ran didn't even let a sound out as they spoke on the phone. She just hung down once he stopped talking.

Shinichi was so anxious about everything that he ended up doing research about the whole case with Eisher's little sister.

He'd find a few plausible ways that the culprit could harm her:

A)Poisoning food or drinks

B)Kidnapping her once she is drunk. (From the last encounter with his sister, she quickly got drunk so it could be used as an advantage to the kidnapper, deduced Shinichi.)

C)Plain murder in the middle of the dance. ( Shinichi supposed that as much as it was risky and impossible, it could happen...)

D)What if it was Eisher...? (Shinichi decided to put this aside since there were so many contradictions and well, no proof...)

E)Nothing could happen because the police would be there and happen another day, if so guards should be given.)

Shinichi wrote every possibility that passed through his mind. Anything was possible with insane haters!

It would be great to have Haibara to come and help him organize his ideas-

Oh yeah, he promised himself to let her be. Yes, it was for the job but she seemed troubled recently. He could maybe make her coffee for once...She usually did it herself after all.


He went to the kitchen. He wasn't so familiar with the kitchen utensils emplacements in the house since he'd usually cook at his manor.

He finally found what he needed. He hoped Haibara wouldn't come here because she'd call him pathetic for not being that good at cooking. Hey, it would be nice if she'd help him cook once.


Never mind...He should be thinking of his girlfriend, not his friend!

That's it. He was going to tell Shiho Miyano what was on his mind since they had returned to their original form on Monday.


he knocked at Shiho's door even if it was open. Just because her door was open it didn't mean he was invited...

The scientist just nodded at hearing the familiar knocking. The detective supposed that he'd need to start a conversation to be allowed to stay:

"Um. I made you some coffee since you seem busy. Here."

He put the coffee on her table, making sure it was somewhere where her fast hands typing on the keyboard wouldn't knock off the cup.

Without even looking at him, she asked:

"Why are you here? That was too kind. You want another antidote to get to see your girlfriend longer, eh?"

That thought didn't even come by even once but he was indeed here for something else too.

But he wasn't going to refuse an antidote to see Ran a bit longer as his girlfriend and not his babysitter...

"Ah erm it's not that Haibara, but I still wouldn't mind if you'd make a second antidote for me..."

She rolled her eyes at his way of acting. Always kind for the stupid antidote to see the angel of his life! What was she? The devil of his life?

Their lives could be a nice story to read...

Haibara then asked him, this time looking straight in the eyes. She wasn't even flustered she had left her feelings for him aside:

"Then what do you want, Taintei-san?"

Shinichi didn't know how to tell her. How to tell her now? his cheeks gradually arrived to a pinkish tone.

It was just weird but his mind wouldn't be at ease until he'd tell her.

But how to say it without sounding weird? He should think quickly...He was probably zooming out in front of a visibly confused Shiho Miyano.

Shiho just waited for him to make up his mind. Maybe it was something hard to announce...?

She glanced at her computer once in a while tapping a few keys while waiting...

That's when he said, stuttering, confused and embarrassed:

(Did the jealousy calm down? What do you think? Also, what do you think Shinichi is going to tell her..? Sorry for the unusual short chapter...)

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