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There were already dozens of clubs related to magic. So, I tried my best to make sure that my club didn’t share similarities with the existing magic clubs. I could probably make up something with my specialty, which involved ‘magic circle manipulation’ for my club.

“…..sorry, Shushu. I can’t do magic. Also, I already signed up for the horticulture club, so….I can’t join.”

Hestia said she didn’t have a choice.

“A club? I already applied and turned in my paper.”

Hylli had, boringly, chosen the swordsmanship club to suit his focus.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m already the Beauty and Makeup club president. Shushu, why don’t you join my club? I can make you into a goddess!”

Hazel asked me to join.

Then I ran out of friends.


I despaired. How could I have such a small friend group?! I tugged my hair as I held onto my club application. What do I do? I couldn’t give up on the club payments like this. If it continued on like this, I would have had to beg a random passerby student to join my club. But most of them would have said that they weren’t interested in magic and have denied my request. The students who were interested in magic would have already submitted their club applications way before. Everyone would join a well-known, major club instead of applying for a no-name magic circle manipulation club. Moreover, the magic circle manipulation I focused on was based off the knowledge I had from my past life, so there wouldn’t be anybody who could understand it, either.

If it was simply a case of joining an existing club, I could keep thinking about it for two or three more days, but to create a club, the deadline was today. Otherwise, apparently we would be randomly entered into a club.

And the worst part of it was that all the students in my class were already gone. It was club activity time. Everyone had left to either look for a club, or had left to their chosen clubs. I sat all alone in the classroom, sad about the fact that I had no friends to embark on this journey with.

I didn’t want to have to do this, but I had a final option.

I could get the video file of the three traffic light boys from Hylli, and threaten them…..

“Shushu, where’s Shushu?”

I was mulling over my dangerous plan, then held my breath as I heard something outside.

When I stayed quiet, the voice became louder and clearer.

“Has anyone seen Shushu?”

They were calling for me. But it was a voice I had never heard before. It was a boy’s voice, even. The only boy I was close to in this life was the prince’s, but the prince hadn’t gone through puberty yet so his voice was still high.

The voice that was calling my name was in the middle of puberty. His voice was scratchy. If I wanted to be nice about it, it was a husky voice, and if I had to describe it otherwise, it was somebody’s voice the day after karaoke.

“Hmm. Shushu is apparently in swordsmanship, so maybe they’re in that area.”

The boy calling my name came up to the classroom, then seemed to turn around, muttering to himself. I wanted to see who was speaking, so I stood up.

“Shushu isn’t in the swordsmanship club.”

I could see a blond ponytail in front of the classroom. When I responded, he stopped walking and turned around.

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