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Until now, I had never gone up to the third years’ classrooms.

Harun and Hazel had whined and groaned about how I needed to come and visit them, but I didn’t go. Well, I couldn’t go. It was because I always ended up playing around with Hestia, Cory, and even Hylli recently and time just flew by during break.

There wasn’t anything special about the juniors’ third year classrooms. It was just one floor above us so it just made my legs cramp.

Honestly, there was another reason why I didn’t want to go. If I, as a first year, went up to a floor with only third years, I was going to get focused on and people were going to look at me. Thinking back to the singing incident, the dancing incident, and etc., I didn’t want to be looked at.

I borrowed Cory’s grape blanket and hid my face as much as I could. I acted like I was someone who was tired from studying instead of a first-year.

I moved like a spy and headed towards the third year yellow class. When I peeked into the classroom, Hazel, as expected, was in the center of attention amongst the girls in the class. As expected of my roommate unni, she was popular. I felt proud as I quietly called out to her.

My arms were filled with snacks I purchased from the student store.

Hazel looked at me with a mom smile and ran towards me.

“Shushu~ you’re really here! Wow, I’m super touched!”

Hazel really seemed touched. Seeing that made my nose sting slightly. I thought to myself that I needed to visit more often as the other third year girls started surrounding me.

“Oh my, Hazel. Is she that cute roommate of yours?”

“Isn’t she Shuraina from the first year swordsmanship course? The famous one?”

“Oh no, she’s so cute!”

Hazel unni began singing praises of me.

“Our Shushu, she even made her own club and shot up the rankings~ And, uh, what else…..oh right! You ranked number one in the middle school finals, right? Your grades are super high in the swordsmanship classes where you’re the only girl, too. And she wants to be the leader of the first order of the knights!”

I had just said that I wanted to become a knight, not that I wanted to be a knight leader. The leader position was just a title at most, and the pay was basically the same as regular knights…..

The girls’ stares seemed to change at Hazel’s compliments. There were some who gave me with contempt in their gazes, but most of them seemed to be in awe. I gripped the grape blanket tighter in embarrassment.

“See, look. How awesome is she? Look at how she walks her own path! That’s so cool! She does everything she wants to.”

I was worried at how exaggerated Hazel’s compliments would be when the stories came back into my ears. It felt like I would hear stories about how I was aiming for world domination.

I was embarrassed at being the center of attention and was trying to get out of the classroom. My face was beyond red: it felt like it was on the verge of explosion. I escaped the crowd, using the restroom as an excuse. But the female upperclassmen all seemed to know that I was running out because I was embarrassed instead of desperate for the toilet.

When I escaped the yellow classroom, I could hear “Oh no, how cute……” and quiet laughter behind me. I moaned in embarrassment.

Once I escaped the cavern of Hazel’s compliments, I decided to stop by Harun’s blue class just because.

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