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I kicked him as hard as I could. There was a resounding ‘bam’ in the room.

I had assumed he would avoid it, but unlike my guess he didn’t avoid my kick. He grabbed his stomach with his hand and took a step back. There was a relaxed smile back on his face. Instead, I was the one that found myself surprised by the turn of events.

I tightly held the hair stick Yves had used to break my magical device. Then, I shoved him back to gain more ground, then tripped him and subdued him. He was subdued without a fight, but kept that fake smile on his face.

“Wow, to attack a school senior like this. Isn’t this too much?”

I regained my senses at his joking tone.


I had never seen him when I was at school, but he was definitely my school senior. It looked like he was aware that I recognized him as a senior as well.

Mm, yeah. Academy life was pretty important too.

“You’re right, sorry.”

I put away the hair stick I had pointed at his neck and helped him get up. Then, I even dusted off the dirt on his knees.


Yves raised a single eyebrow at my swift change in attitude.

Looking at his actions, I was reminded of the novel plot. Cory and Hylli were so kind and innocent compared to the original novel that it was hard to remember the plot with them, but he was different. He was similar to the original novel’s character, who had been described as absolute trash and a psycho. Thinking of, I thought I could remember a bit more about his character.

Yvnes Lunaasha.

Sadly, there wasn’t too much of a description in his hovel. The only thing I was absolutely sure of based on my dreams was that Yvnes was described as a person full of hatred and distrust towards humans.

He was a truly tenacious person. It was almost habit for him to ruin others’ lives for his goals, and betrayal was just something he did every day. He was figuring out different ways to make situations beneficial towards him as he breathed, and was an overall exhausting person to be around.

So basically, Yves was the total opposite of me. I was earning money to stay with everybody around me. On the other hand, he was earning money to throw everybody away.

But he was similar to me in that both us were single-mindedly running towards our future, without even glancing at the present. Or, was I wrong? I was probably more relaxed than he was.

I didn’t remember how he fell in love with Hestia because it was so vaguely written. Whatever. This asshole’s dating life wasn’t something I cared about.

I didn’t know why I kept dreaming about it, but my dreams were being very useful these days. For now, I gave up trying to fight him with smarts. I didn’t know what, but I knew that he wanted something from me and that he would stay in my life until he got it.

If running away was impossible, then I needed to find common ground with him. We were attending the same academy, he was my senior, and he knew my weak points so I didn’t have to attack him without reason. Especially because my opponent was Yvnes.

I was scared of what he was thinking and how he would act so I couldn’t even move freely. It felt like even small movements could be used to attack me.

I thought about something else. When I stayed deep in thought in front of him, he quietly watched me then began to speak.

“You’re wondering how I figured it out, right?”

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