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I skipped dinner and headed back to my dorm as soon as my busy day at school ended.

All I did was sleep these days. My body felt heavy and I had no energy. The magic circle kept pushing magic into me, but it only boosted my energy for a short while.

Whenever I fell asleep, the strange, realistic dreams continued on.

I wanted to just sleep and get some decent rest without any dreams. But after that unknown black magic spell, I kept dreaming the same dream.

As soon as I lay down on my bed, darkness overtook me. When I moved towards the light, I was always faced with the familiar yet different Cory.

The Cory in my dreams lived an incredibly boring life. He barely had any contact with other people. And it seemed like he enjoyed that. He sometimes even glared at anyone who approached him to scare them away.

The Cory in my dreams, unlike the real Cory who liked to take walks and bathe in the sun, always went back to his dorm to lay down on his bed to sleep or read books.

Even today, dream Cory finished school and headed back to his dorm to lay down on his bed. Cory stretched his arm to get ahold of a book nearby.


Dream Cory, who had just begun to read through a book on attack magic, threw his book and the glasses he wore onto the floor.

Cory was alone in the dorm room. Dream Cory didn’t have a roommate. In reality, Cory and Hylli seemed friendly towards each other as roommates but he was alone in my dreams.

Cory grabbed a stick-shaped snack that had been out in the open from last night and put it in his mouth. He munched on his snack with his blanket on as he stared blankly at the work he had to do laid on his desk.

“I definitely signed myself up for too much by Yves….”

Cory seemed like he didn’t even have the will to finish munching on his snack as he slowly stopped eating. The end of his stick snack fell onto the floor.

“Why did I say that I’d help him with his Lunaasha guild work that time?”

Oh, right. It was for father’s work. Cory muttered to himself, rubbing his face into his hands.

“Ugh, I don’t want to wooooooork…..”

Cory basically crawled to his desk and picked up his glasses on the way before he sat on his chair and rested his chin on his hand. He referenced the thick magic books on his desk as he scribbled down something on a document. After skimming through it, it seemed like it was talking about the black dragon that symbolized our empire and the royal family. There was also another paper that assessed our academy. His hard to read scribbles seemed to be a common factor for both real and dream Cory.

After working a bit, he seemed to lose concentration. He shook his chair and twirled his pen before falling backwards.

With a loud thud, Cory fell onto the floor, back first. He didn’t show any pain or shock about it and just stared at the ceiling.

When Cory closed his eyes, still on the floor, he immediately fell asleep. It was surprising and also extremely like Cory.

I felt a bit anxious for Cory, who had fallen asleep after working so hard, so I dragged a blanket from the bed and put it on him.

In my dream, I could float and touch objects but the other person couldn’t see me at all.

In the original story, I remembered that Cory helped Yves often with his work. There was barely any information about it, but Cory also seemed to have helped Yves with his revenge. It seemed that this was also the reason why he got caught by slimy Yves and was suffering like this right now, too.

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