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Today was the last day of the festival, and the day I was supposed to go up on stage to perform the sword dance. It was a truth that I wanted to escape, and I had been trying my hardest to think of something, anything else. Thanks to Yves, however, I ended up thinking about it again. Just thinking about it made me nervous. I’d just forgotten it, too.

I looked at the clock, then back at the sky. The performance was coming up soon. The presentations were happening right after dinner, so there were still a few hours before the performance, but it was ‘soon’ for me.

“Shushu, you’re going up on stage as the representative for the swordsmanship class, right?”

Cory reminded me of this fact once again while the two of us blankly stared at the crimson lights in the sky, munching on snacks.

“……Let’s head into the building and look at the club booths. We didn’t go yet, right?”

I changed the subject because I wanted to avoid it, and Cory tilted his head at my reaction before smiling to himself.

When we walked further, we could see the second loudest area after Hylli’s club.

This club didn’t have any particular reason to be loud, but it was still rowdy. When we walked into the building to walk into the chaos, we could see a sign that read, ‘Consultation Club’.

A large group of kids looked to be in tears as they ran away from the booth. Unlike the other booths that took place outside, this club seemed to have borrowed a classroom.

The consultation club was doing a fortune teller shop during the festival. Even if it was a ‘fortune teller shop’, nobody could read the future, so they were basically just listening to people’s worries and giving them platitudes.

There was no reason for any kind of chaos to erupt so it was strange to see it, but as soon as we heard the voice of the fortune teller, it became clear.


The fortune teller was Swanhaden.

As soon as we entered the club room, the first thing we heard was the bored voice of Swan.

Cory and I completely understood the noise outside. If it was Swanhaden, then of course it was loud.

The inside of the booth was made to look like a confession booth, so Swan couldn’t tell right away that the people who had entered were Cory and I.

The other members of the club placed two chairs and put them in front of the black wall as soon as they saw us. There were small holes poked into the wall, and one large hole where someone could put their arm through it.

I wondered why the other club members chose Swan as the fortune teller, but I decided not to worry about it.

The consultation club members said that they thought we would be their last customers. Then, the students who handed us our chairs immediately left to eat dinner.

When we walked closer to the wall, we could see a bored looking Swanhaden with his face on the desk through the small holes. Swan had taken his pen apart and was pressing down on the coil. His silver hair was swept to one side, and we could see his forehead.

“Be it your luck in love, studies, or the future, we can tell you all~.”

Swanhaden seemed like he had been in here for a long time. His voice seemed drenched in exhaustion. Seeing how he was yawning as well, it seemed like he was incredibly bored.

“Swan, what are you doing here?”

“…..oh, it’s you, Cory.”

The first person that Swanhaden discovered was Cory. Cory was standing right in front of the small holes, so Swan couldn’t see me.

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