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“Oh my god, Shushu!”

Hazel, who had just arrived back with her makeup, placed it down next to her and ran over to me. She looked touched as she held my cheeks in her hands.

“Ah, I’m so happy! Dressing you up makes me so excited, you know? I especially designed the outfit based on the song and the mood of the dance. Seriously, it looks perfect on you!”

She designed it herself? An incredible amount of pressure landed on my shoulders, but I hid it behind a toothy smile.

Hazel pulled all of my hair back to one side, then placed a crimson flower-shaped jewel near my ear. She used colors that were hazier and of lower saturation to create a calm yet sultry look. It was weird to say sultry with my own mouth, but that was just how great Hazel’s skills were. All of the colors that she chose gave me a dreamy, mysterious feeling.

Hazel made me put on a bracelet and an anklet too, but they were all crimson and black. The bracelet and anklet made a pretty jingling sound whenever I moved.

Hazel really held me for a while. Because of that, I had to immediately go on stage without a moment of waiting.

Once she was done with getting me ready, she was panting. She looked kind of blank and almost out of it, so I just thanked her and left.

“This is…legendary……..”

Hazel muttered with her hands over her mouth, shocked. I hurriedly picked up both of my swords as I ran to the stage. It seemed like the presenter had called my name twice already.

“Shuraina West! Where’s West?! She was just there before, right?!”

“Hey, hurry up and look for her! She couldn’t have hid because she didn’t want to do it, right?”

“If it’s Shuraina, it’s possible! But she can’t!”

Behind the stage, all of the students presenting were in a panic because of my sudden disappearance. I hurriedly walked towards them.

“Sorry I’m late.”

“Shuraina! You’re late. Hurry up and get o…….. Huh?”

“The presenter’s making dirty jokes and trying to give you more tim………Holy shit.”

The students frowned and turned to me at my voice, then suddenly looked out of it. I hunched over, waiting for the barrage of insults that I thought were going to come my way, but everyone just wordlessly looked me up and down.

“H-hurry up and go ahead……please.”

The students all looked out of it as their tones became polite.

I was a bit taken aback by the students who suddenly became polite, but I was the wrongdoer, so I just headed up on stage.

Everyone’s reactions to my dolled up face were weird, so I held up the see-through fabric and put it on like a veil as I headed up. When I hid my face behind my makeshift veil, people glanced at me less. I was very pleased.

“Who has any leftover recording devices~.”

“Did something happen to Shuraina? She’s taking a while.”

“It looks like she’s coming out soon, though? Isn’t that Shushu’s foot? That’s a pretty anklet.”

“Oh, you’re right. I just wish the presenter will stop making those stupid jokes of his.”

Thanks to how long the stage had been empty, the crowd was extremely loud.

The presenter saw that I was ready to come up on stage and shot me an elated smile. He looked shocked for a moment when he saw my face covered by the veil, but soon introduced me to the crowd.

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