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I made it a habit to call home once a day, because my parents were keenly feeling the emptiness of two of their three children living in the dorms of the academy. But because I hadn’t called them when I was feeling sick, my worried mother had contacted the school directly to hear what had happened, and my mother had immediately tried to contact me over and over again.

It seemed that my visit to the sick bay had been found out by the members of our residence.

I stared at the missed calls on the contact device, and, taking a deep breath, called home.

“Shushu! Baby, I heard that you fainted! Are you feeling okay? If you woke up, you should’ve called me first!”


“It’s okay, why are you sorry for not responding when you were sick? Are you okay now? How many plates are you eating during your meals?”

“I’m eating enough.”

“Around three plates?”

“Five plates.”

“Oh. Well, our Shushu is eating more and more. Mm, that’s good to hear. Shushu, baby, please stop doing things that make us worry. Your mother was about to faint after hearing what happened from your school. Like when you went missing when you were little, and when you rubbed your eyes with the hands you touched bugs with and got an eye infection, and when you were running around with a sword and getting hurt. Why do you make your mother worry so? I couldn’t sleep a wink because I was so worried yesterday.”

“………I went missing?”

I asked my mother after learning about something new.

I was told that there was a time when I went missing when I was younger, but I had no memory of it. I remembered getting the eye infection and getting hurt by a sword when I was younger, but I had never heard of my going missing when I was younger. What had happened so that I, the person that had gone missing, couldn’t remember it at all?

My mother also said that she didn’t know a lot about when I had gone missing. Something about me suddenly disappearing and then suddenly reappearing in my room. So when my family asked me where I had went, I couldn’t remember my disappearance and had just returned their question with a curious expression of my own.

And that was apparently how my disappearance became a mystery.

I frowned as I ended my call with my mother. Me, going missing? That was suspicious. I should probably look into it.

I tapped my chin and fell deep in thought.


“Shushu! Wake up!”

I could hear Hestia’s voice. I was too sleepy to properly regain consciousness. I barely began to wake up properly after Hestia propped her arms under my armpits and began to drag me away.

“Did, did I sleep the whole time?”

I asked Hestia as she continued to drag me out. She smiled brightly, nodding.

“Shushu, you even snored. The teacher tried to wake you up, but it was so funny that they just decided to let you sleep.”

…….damn. I wiped the small bit of drool on my face and frowned.

After I had exited the sick bay, my sleep schedule had gone haywire. When I was in the sick bay, I got to sleep whenever my body felt like it, and my daily schedule had suffered because of that.

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