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Augran Academy separates classes based on color. There are four colors in total: yellow, green, red, and blue.

There didn’t seem to be any set standards for the classes. The students were assigned randomly and had a high chance of sharing dorms if they were in the same classes.

Augran Academy placed great importance in their colors. The academy’s official color was wine. They had four colors for different classes. I asked the teacher what the reasoning was behind the colors, and got a flick to my forehead. I guess it wasn’t polite to ask through a bathroom stall.

Even if we were separated into different classes, the only time that actually mattered was in the morning. Though, we moved around a lot for classes even in the morning. The only time we sat in class ‘yellow’ was for morning attendance.

“Student Shuraina West, please stand.”

This was my least favorite subject. My least favorite class happening in my least favorite classroom, taught by my least favorite teacher. I hated this class even more than history. When I propped my book on the table and played with Hestia to avoid the teacher’s gaze, they called me. I stood up.

The timing just wasn’t right. Looking at the time, it seemed that I had been caught fooling around right towards the end of class. I looked sideways to see Hestia pretending to take detailed notes. It was choir class, so there weren’t any notes to take. All we did today was listen to students sing.

Because class was right about to end, students from the green class were at the back of the classroom, waiting. I saw Hylli and Cory in the group. Hearing my name being called out by the teacher, Hylli snickered and Cory looked at me, expression saying ‘Good luck’.

The teacher saw that I had stood up, then spoke again.

“Before the end of class, please sing “Noirelle’s Last” on page 94.”

Then, our teacher immediately began to play the piano. Hearing that I was going to sing, my classmates began to snicker and talk over us. They probably were remembering the last time I had sang in class.

The piano intro was about to end. The students in the green class were all staring at me. The swordsmanship class students, who were still laughing about toilet jokes and were still calling me poopyhead, stared at me harder than the other students.

I was quite overwhelmed, so I tried my best to read in pitch to the song. I didn’t sing, but I tried my best to read. When I didn’t sing, the teacher slammed their hands on the piano and yelled.

“Miss West? You need to sing, not read.”

……ugh. The teacher knows how I sang, yet they were still doing just that. They began playing the song from the beginning, and I was forced to sing.

“….even as the memories fade into scarlet~.”

I began to sing after the second piano introduction. My voice rang through the room, sounding like an alcoholic grandpa who had, once again, started his day with alcohol and was gleefully dancing around, panting. Maybe it sounded more like husky singing. It was probably funnier than that.

“Even as my strength wanes~ I will still remain~.”

Both the yellow and green class students burst into laughter. Even the teacher’s lips quirked upwards. The only person who was listening to my singing peacefully was Hestia. Hestia always said that my singing was the best, but she probably wasn’t serious when she said that

I didn’t like the attention I was getting. My eyes were glued on the book in front of me. I could hear Hylli laughing the loudest.

When I ripped my gaze away from the book, I looked over at Hylli. He was clutching his stomach in laughter. He grew slightly quieter when he met my deadly glare.

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