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This was something that I had always been curious about. No, but why would you join those clubs? Swan’s club activities were so incredible that everyone in school knew about it.

All of students who came in for consultations all ran out crying, and whenever he went out for community service, he always caused problems. Last time, the club had gone to help little children. Apparently, the club had later received complaints because all of the children became incredibly aggressive and looked like they were tired of being alive.

“I want to join your club. When can I change my clubs?”

I made a disappointed expression at Swanhaden’s question.

“You can probably change it after a year.”

There had been some changes to rules for joining clubs. Students needed to remain in the clubs they had signed up for for at least a year.

At my words, Swanhaden frowned and muttered, “If I make more issues, would they kick me out?” to himself.

Swan unconsciously continued to fold paper cranes as he thought to himself, putting them in the pond once he was done. I joined him and made cranes to float them as well.

It was kind of fun, but it was annoying to clean them all up.

Swanhaden ripped up his pink book and asked me question upon question.

All of the questions he asked were about small things. What I liked, where I liked to go, things that weren’t too important. The whole time Swan spoke, he looked directly at me. I remembered the first time we had a proper face to face conversation. We were around a pond then too.

We sat slightly apart as we shared short, everyday stories with each other.


Chapter 13. Augran Mountain

Today was the day we went to subjugate monsters.

If we went to subjugation during class before, now we finished classes for the day before heading to subjugation. I prepared my meal and snacks and packed a few more things just in case before heading to our meeting spot.

If we went into monster subjugation with our safety ensured during junior years, our safety was in our own hands during senior years. So, unlike before, we had to submit written oaths about the process, and students were especially careful in preparing protective magic at the meeting spot.

When we signed our written oaths, it became proof that we had subjugation experience for jobs like soldiers or knights. A lot of students signed them without much thought.

We only went twice a year during testing season during junior school, but senior students in both magic and swordsmanship majors attended together once a week. It was mandatory.

Hestia and Yves, both of whom had nothing to do with subjugations, didn’t seem to like how I had to participate in upper-level subjugations in the mountains. But it wasn’t like they could stop me, either.

It was part of school. What could they do?

Because of that, Hestia always packed me anchovy sandwiches and milk, and Yvnes put protective item on item on me before I headed out.

There was a particular spell that would send me to Yves if I was ever injured. I changed the location to the nurse’s office.

They weren’t the only ones hellbent on my safety during subjugation, though. Hylli, Cory, and even Swan, all of them who were participating with me, prepared a bunch of safety items for me too. I understood the first two who weren’t going with me, but I didn’t get why the ones going with me were also making a fuss.

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