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TW: Child endangerment, physical abuse, mentions of murder
TL;DR down below!

A handsome middle-aged man with slightly darker orange hair than Yves’ own sat in a chair in the middle of the room.

He had the same soft, yet dangerous feeling that Yves had when he smiled. He looked kinder than Yves, even. I tried my best to match the cruel actions that he’d done with the face in front of me.

One third of the children in here were his children, did he say? Well, seeing how handsome he was, no wonder he spread his seed here and there. I barely made myself acknowledge it.

“Are you two the new children we brought in? Who said you were allowed so far down?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I think we came in the wrong place. We were just looking for the leader…..”

The leader focused on Yves and walked closer.

“I’m the leader. It seems that the person who was supposed to guide you isn’t available at the moment.”

The leader said, in a surprisingly kind voice. Yves made me take a step back as he stepped forwards.

Now, it was Yves’ job to get the attention of the leader. I was supposed to find the document in the meanwhile, then teleport that to the safe.

When I took hold of the stone to cast the spell, Yves smiled a smile full of childhood innocence and sweetness as he spoke to the leader.

“Wow, you’re the leader? Thank you so much for taking me in when I have nowhere to go. It’s an honor to be able to work under you.”


“I came after being introduced by Raven. Do you know Raven? He was a friend who begged on the streets me with me, and he bragged so much about how he got a job and a place to sleep here! I really respect you, leader! I was really scared for the future. You’re my savior!”

He didn’t look like Yves, and he didn’t speak like Yves, either. For a moment, I really thought he was somebody else. He even made up a fictional person named Raven to grab the leader’s attention. Yves stood, hands held politely in front of him. The leader looked over, gaze crooked.

When the leader approached Yves, he yanked him by the hair. With Yves’ hair in his fist, he turned Yves’ face around left and right. He peered closely at his face, then threw him down onto the floor.

“I was hoping to get a more serious and obedient child this time. Tsk.”

For a moment, I worried that he’d figured out it was Yves in disguise. Thankfully, that didn’t seem to be the case. Yves had been thrown a bit further away, but kept acting.


Yves made an expression as if shocked by the sudden physical abuse, then pretended to tear up.

“Hmm….. Doesn’t seem like you’ll survive for long, anyway.”

The leader put a hand on his chin, seemingly deep in thought. Then, he kicked Yves in the stomach. A resounding thud rang in the air. Yves, who had already rolled on the floor, rolled again. When he coughed a few times in pain, red blood dripped out of his mouth.

It was difficult to see Yves being hurt, so I put the spelled glasses back on. I couldn’t let myself be shaken. When I put on the glasses, Yves’ blood turned into hearts. My heart, which had been beating restlessly from worry and nervousness and fear, calmed down slightly at the censored image in front of me.

Yves spit out saliva and hearts. The leader watched, pleased, as Yves continued to be in pain.

“I like you a lot more without that smiling mug of yours.”

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