Metalhead: Part 2

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Alyssa's POV:

So, Leo, Mikey, Raph & I run across a rooftop in the wide city, with Metalhead loudly lagging behind us.

Leo: "Should we double back? I think there's a car alarm he didn't set off."

Raph: "I kinda like it. It goes nicely with all the sirens and cries for help."

Donnie: *via Metalhead* "Oh, come on. You guys are just jealous, 'cause you're out there in the cold and I'm here eating Mikey's last slice of pizza."

Mikey: "Hey!-*hits Metalhead*-Ow!"

April: *whispers* "Hello?"

Leo: "Hey, guys, quiet. Somebody's coming."

We duck down until the voice calls out again.

April: "Guys, it's me."

Leo: "April!"

We leap down from the roof to join April in the alley.

April: "Guys, I was just looking for you."

We then hear a loud whistling sound. We then turn as we hear something crash & fall into a nearby dumpster. The dumpster is then knocked over from the inside as Metalhead crawls out.

Raph: "Still, it's stealthier than the real Donatello."

April: "What the heck is that?"

Me: "It's Donnie's latest brilliant creation: Metalhead."

Mikey: "Cool name, huh? My idea."

Donnie: *via Metalhead* "Oh, sorry, April. I'm still getting used to the controls. Whoops. Megaphone button got stuck."

April: "Guys, we gotta do something. The Kraang are gonna poison the city's water supply with mutagen!"

Leo: "The whole city will become a disaster area!"

Donnie: *via Metalhead* "There'll be mutants everywhere!"

Mikey hugs Metalhead with a smile.

Mikey: "Wow, think about all the friends we can make."

We turn to Mikey with serious looks, causing him to shrug his shoulders in defense.

Mikey: "Excuse me for being a 'glass-half-full' kinda guy."

Leo: "Let's go!"

Donnie: *via Metalhead* "Yeah! The Kraang don't stand a chance!"

Metalhead rushes to follow us before Leo raises a hand in the robot's face for him to stop.

Leo: "Donnie, I need you to hang back. Metalhead is just too clumsy. It'll get in our way."

Donnie: *via Metalhead* "Clumsy?!"

Metalhead raises its arms, accidentally knocking over some trash cans.

Donnie: *via Metalhead* "I did that on purpose to emphasize my point."

Leo: "You're not coming, Donnie."

We then rush off to the Kraang's hideout.

The four of us head for the top floor of a building overlooking the Kraang carrying around vials of mutagen.

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