Rise of the Turtles: Part 2

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Alyssa's POV:

Afterwards, Leo, Raph, & I are all spread out amongst ourselves in the living room. Leo and I are watching 'Space Heroes', Raph's on the left side of the couch reading his favorite edition of 'Modern Ninja Magazine', and Mikey & Donnie are stood at the entrance to the lair. Once Leo's favorite character, Captain Ryan, starts a cheesy heroic speech, Leo dons a wide smile as he quotes him word for word. He then turns to us as he stands.

Leo: "Gentleman, and milady, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. my orders must be carried out without question."

Raph then looks at us from behind his magazine with an annoyed look.

Raph: "You know this show is stupid, right?"

Leo & I turn to him with looks identical to his own.

Leo: "Space Heroes is a great show, and Captain Ryan is a great hero. Someday, I am gonna be just like him."

Me: "While I don't doubt that, I'd say you're already one heck of a hero."

3rd Person POV:

As Alyssa turns back to the screen, her earlier statement makes Leo blush with a shy smile. Truth be told, over the years, Leo has begun to have feelings for Alyssa, and vice versa. The only other people who know about this are Raph, Donnie, Mikey, & Splinter. The thing is, neither of them want to reveal their feelings for one another in fear of risking their current relationship. So, they decide to keep things to themselves, even if the others have caught on quickly.

Alyssa's POV:

Raph: "Well, he does like to hear himself talk, so he's on his way."

Mikey: "Come on, guys! It's go time!"

To which, we acknowledge as we run to stand beside he & Donnie as we turn to face Splinter from across the room to give our goodbyes.

Splinter: "You are going up to a strange and hostile world. You must maintain awareness at all times."

All: "Hai, Sensei."

Splinter: "Stay in the shadows."

All: "Hai, Sensei."

Splinter: "Don't talk to strangers."

All: "Hai, Sensei."

Splinter: "Everyone is a stranger."

All: "Hai, Sensei."

Splinter: "Make sure you go before you leave. The restrooms up there are filthy."

All: "Sensei!"

Splinter: *sighs* "Good luck, my children."

We then turn to run to the nearest manhole cover with cheers of excitement.

Splinter: "Look both ways before crossing the street!"

We lift the manhole cover and run to the nearest alleyway, sticking to the shadows as Father instructed.

Mikey: "It's so beautiful."

Leo then runs around the street in excitement. While I share his excitement, I stay vigilant as Splinter instructed.

Leo: "The city is just full of possibility. There could be an adventure around this corner...or...or this one...or this one! There's not, but there could be!"

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