TCRI: Part 1

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Alyssa's POV:

Tonight, the Turtles & I are in the patrol buggy chasing after two Kraangdroids in a helicopter so we can get the power cell back.

Donnie: "Stay on 'em, Leo! My Kraang app's tripping out! It's picking up the signal from the power cell."

Leo: "Again? Last time, that thing led us to a burrito in a microwave."

Donnie: "Left!-*Leo turns left*-Left again!-*Leo turns left*-They're getting away! Right!" 

Leo turns right as a truck speeds toward us from the opposite end of the street.

Raph: "Look out!"

Donnie: "Left, right, left, right!"

Raph & Leo pull their levers so the buggy can divide into five separate buggies as we drive around the truck, a man, and a pizza delivery boy's motorcycle before putting it back together again.

Mikey: "Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!-*laughs*-Yeah! This is more fun than a Shriners parade."

Raph: "What are you saying?"

Donnie: "Right!"

Leo turns right but pumps the brakes before we crash into the dead end ahead. Donnie's phone gets broken, and the Kraang fly away.

Donnie: "We lost them." *groans*

Leo: "That's it. We're going to see Leatherhead."

Donnie: "Uh, L-Leatherhead?"

Me: "He's the one who took the power cell from the Kraang. He's the one who might know where to find it."

Donnie: "He's also the one who likes to grab my face and shake me like a rag doll!"

Mikey: *laughs* "Good times."

Donnie: "Zip it."

Mikey: "Oh, come on. He's a pussycat who likes to grab your face and shake you like a rag doll!" *laughs*

Donnie glares intensely at Mikey, who immediately relents in his teasing.

Mikey: "Right. Let's move."

{Time skip}

When we arrive at Leatherhead's new sewer hideout, we emerge from the water, gasping for breath while Mikey grins with pride at our 'accomplishment'.

Mikey: "Who can hold their breath? We can."

Raph: "We wouldn't have had to if you hadn't kept swimming off to pick up trash."

Mikey: *holds up trash* "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

Raph: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's every man's trash."

We turn as we hear a low growl and see Leatherhead sleeping from across the room.

Leo: "There he is. We don't wanna alarm him, so no one make any sudden moves."

Mikey: "Aw! Look how cute."

Mikey reaches out and slowly approaches Leatherhead but steps back when Leatherhead snaps his jaw in his sleep.

Donnie: "Who's gonna wake him up?"

Leo, Raph, Donnie, & I: "Not it!"

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