I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman: Part 3/Metalhead: Part 1

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Alyssa's POV:

Once we give our report to Splinter, he praises Mikey for his smarts against our opponent.

Splinter: "Very resourceful, Michelangelo. But I'm still highly disappointed in you all. The first rule of being a ninja is 'Do no harm'. Unless you mean to do harm. Then do lots of harm."

Leo: "You're right, Sensei. I guess we did make a mess of things."

Splinter: "So, what do you think would be a fitting punishment?"

Leo: "We need to clean up our mess."

Splinter: "Yes, you must stop this 'Stockmanpod'."

Donnie: "But, Sensei, that guy's already kicked our shells. And now he's even more powerful. How are we supposed to stop him?"

Raph: "I know! I'll hit him really hard!"

Splinter: "Brute force is not the answer. You will need to rely on your ninja training."

Mikey: "Excuse me, Sensei, but ninjas never had to go up against guys in armor."

I roll my eyes and turn Mikey's head towards the picture of a ninja fighting a samurai in battle armor.

Mikey: "Oh. I mean, ninjas always had to go up against guys in armor."

Me: "Sensei, what was their secret?"

Splinter: "They understood that you do not fight the armor. You fight the man inside."

The brothers & I turn toward one another as we all get the same idea. Well, almost all of us.

Mikey: "Why are we all looking at each other?"

{Time skip}

Donnie, Raph, & I are all standing on a rooftop, waiting for Mikey to return with Stockman in tow.

Donnie: "Are you sure this is gonna work?"

Leo: "Like Sensei said. Don't fight the armor, fight the guy inside. And what do we know about bad guys? They love chasing Mikey."

We all turn to see Mikey heading toward us.

Mikey: "Guys! Stockmanpod's got missiles!"

We rush to dodge the incoming missiles, Mikey using his nunchucks to hang from a power line. Stockmanpod approaches us with an evil laugh, but we're ready for him. We each throw a chain around him, wrapping him up as Mikey had before. Leo stomps on his chain, taking two steps forward in the process. Meanwhile, the rest of us pull on the ends of each chain when Mikey approaches him with a taunting grin.

Mikey: "Now who's trembling in terror? Aah!"

Stockman suddenly breaks free of his chains, grabs Mikey by the head, and throws him through the window of a nearby building.

Donnie: "Mikey!"

Raph: "That's it. You're going down!"

The four of us charge at Stockman with our weapons. Raph manages to stab his sais through the suit before Stockman punches him off, throwing him into the chimney of the building on the opposite side of the roof.

Leo: "Raph!"

Leo & I jump to attack Stockman before he grabs us & throws us over the roof. Before we can hit the ground, Raph grabs Leo's hands while Donnie grabs mine. They pull us back onto the roof before turning toward Stockman as he stomps toward us with a menacing glare.

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