Panic in the Sewers: Part 1

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Alyssa's POV:

The Turtles & I are about to go on patrol when Splinter stops us.

 Splinter: "Where are you going?"

Leo: "Heading out for our evening patrol."

Splinter: "There will be no patrol."

Leo: "Sensei?"

Splinter: "Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives."

Raph approaches Splinter with a confident grin.

Raph: "But Sensei, next time, we'll be ready."

Splinter pulls Raph into an arm lock to prove his point further.

Splinter: "Yes, because you will stay down here until you are ready. No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training."

Splinter shoves Raph over to us as the guys look at him in fear.

Splinter: "Starting now!"

{Time skip}

So, here we are, having trained for weeks on end. We're exhausted, but in the end, this will bring us one step closer to taking down Shredder & the Foot Clan once and for all.

Mikey: "More, Sensei?"

Splinter: "Yes, more!"

Donnie rushes to attack Leo while Mikey goes for Raph. Leo & Raph each grab the arm of their attacker and lazily flip them over their shoulders onto the ground.

Splinter: "There is no intention in your strikes. Do it again! We will practice all night if we have to."

Donnie stands as he, Raph, & Leo turn to face Splinter.

Donnie: "We have been practicing all night."

We all notice that Mikey has fallen asleep on the ground, mumbling in his state of slumber with a smile.

Mikey: "Pizza, mmm."

Splinter: "Wake him up!"

Raph cracks his knuckles with a sly grin.

Raph: "Gladly."

Raph picks Mikey up off the ground and slams him onto his shell.

Mikey: "Ahh! Shredder's here."

Me: "Relax, hermanito. You were just having a nightmare."

Raph: "Aren't we all?"

Donnie: "Sensei, can we rest for a sec?"

Splinter: "Rest? Hmm, the Shredder will not rest until you are all dead!"

Leo: "Sensei, we've been training nonstop for weeks with hardly any sleep. They need a break."

Raph: "Oh, like you don't?"

Leo: "That's right, Raph. I don't."

Raph: "Oh, well then, I'll give you a break."

Then, Splinter knocks us onto the ground with one strike. The guys lay on their shells groaning while I quickly leap onto my feet and enter a battle stance, having been through this back when I trained under the man we're preparing to fight against.

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