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Alyssa's POV:

We're on another hunt for the Kraang in the Shellraiser, Mikey spinning around in his chair beside mine out of boredom.

Mikey: *sighs* "Another day, another Kraang hunt."

He then approaches Raph from behind.

Mikey: "Raph, fire the weapons!"

Raph: "I don't think so."

Mikey: "See, that's your problem. If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firing at things all the time. That mailbox, blam. That newsstand, boom. That port-a-potty, splat."

While they're talking, I wheel my chair to the center of the Shellraiser to tell Leo where to go.

Me: "Turn right up ahead, Leo."

Leo: "Thanks, Ally."

When I return, Mikey argues why he should have free reign over what to fire and when.

Mikey: "If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firing at things all the time. That mailbox, blam. That newsstand, boom. That port-a-potty, splat."

Leo: "That's too many casualties, Mikey. We don't need to draw any unnecessary attention to ourselves. Which is why you're on navigation with Alyssa."

We park in an abandoned alleyway and walk towards a building nearby.

Donnie: "This must be the hidden Kraang lab."

Raph: "Let's trash the place!"

Leo: "Hold on, Raph. This is a recon mission. We go in there, find out what the Kraang are up to, and then trash the place."

Raph: "Fine. Wake me when we get to the trashing part."

We walk in and find that the building has already been ransacked.

Raph: "Oh, man. Someone beat us to it."

Me: "It looks like one of their mutagen experiments got away from them."

Donnie: "Seems they were doing experiments on arthropods. Weird."

Donnie opens one of the cabinets to investigate.

Donnie: "Hey, this equipment's still good. Ooh, nice centrifuge."

Raph: *to Leo & I* "If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me out of my misery."

The wasp flies in to pin Raph to the table, only to be hit by Donnie's bo staff. We take shelter behind a nearby shelf to work something out.

Leo: "We need a plan and fast."

Mikey: "I know. I'll catch him with my kusarigama chain."

Leo: "That wasp is too strong. How about this? Mikey, you get him to chase you, and we'll ambush him."

Mikey: "Why don't we ever do my plans?"

Leo: "Because they're your plans. Now go!"

Mikey: *groans*"Hey, wasp! Come and get it!"

Mikey rushes out into the open, and the wasp gives chase.

Raph: "He's really turned running away screaming into an art form."

Donnie: "Well, at least he's good at something, right? Well, good-ish."

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