Follow the Leader: Part 1

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Alyssa's POV:

Tonight, we're searching for one of the thousands of mutagen canisters in one of thousands of alleyways.

Raph: "Come on, Donnie. Don't get so bent out of shape about April. She'll come around."

Donnie: "Yeah, I guess you're right."

So far, we have yet to find anything until Mikey bursts out of the nearby dumpster.

Mikey: "No sign of any mutagen, but you're not gonna believe what I found!"

Mikey then holds out a plush iguana wearing a top hat.

Mikey: "An iguana wearing a top hat! Isn't that cool? I mean, why would you throw this out? 'Ello, guv'nor! How do you like my monocle?"

Donnie: "Monocle."

Mikey: "Whatever."

Raph: "Do you realize that could be a distant cousin? And he's stuffed with sawdust!"

Mikey: "Ew! Sick!"

Mikey throws the iguana away as Donnie speaks up.

Donnie: "Quiet, guys! My ooze scanner is going crazy again! I told you mutagen was close by."

Raph: "Ah, your scanner's about as useless as a trench coat on a turtle!"

Leo: "Hey, just give him a chance, Raph. It's our fault those containers went missing. We gotta find them before some random Joe ends up mutated."

Donnie: "This way!"

We follow Donnie up to a rooftop and find a mutagen canister.

Mikey: "Found it! How many does that bring us up to?"

Donnie: "One. And a half."

We all groan in annoyance as Donnie continues.

Donnie: "But look at the bright side. Only 63 more to go!"

{Time skip}

Later, we're looking for other canisters when Mikey announces his boredom.

Mikey: *yawns* "We've been looking for mutagen for days now, dudes. This is so boring. I'm gonna scream!"

As promised, Mikey starts screaming and continues until we stop him.

Donnie, Raph & I: "Mikey!"

Leo: "Ok. Ok, we get it. We'll take a little break and do something fun. Cool?"

Donnie: "Sweet!"

Raph: "Awesome!"

Leo: "Training session!"

Me: "Yes!"

Raph, Mikey, & Donnie: "Aww!"

Leo: "Guys, Sensei wants me to train you, and that's what I'm gonna do. You see Dragon Gate over there?"

Raph, Donnie, & I: "Uh-huh."

Mikey: "Yeah."

Leo: "I'm gonna defend it, like 'King of the Mountain', ok? Now, the only way you can get past me is to use traditional close-quarters fighting. Got it?"

Raph: "Whatever you say, fearless leader. Let's just get it over with."

So, Leo leaps away to guard his position as Raph turns to whisper to me, Mikey, & Donnie.

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