New Girl in Town: Part 2

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Alyssa's POV:

So, we arrive at the fire escape outside April's bedroom window and knock to get her attention.

April: "Leo? Alyssa?-*scoffs*-This better be good."

Leo: "Hey. We need to talk."

April: "Can it wait till morning?"

Me: "We ran into this girl I used to be friends with."

April: *gasps* "Tell me everything."

Me: "Where do I start?"

April: "The very beginning. How do you know her?"

Me: "We used to train together...Back when I was in the Foot Clan."

April pauses in surprise but nods for me to continue, with Leo giving me a thumbs-up from behind her in support.

Me: *sighs* "As you can imagine, Shredder didn't have any other students in my age range except one: Karai. So, we started talking, and from then on, we became friends. We told each other everything, helped each other when needed, and did everything together. Plus, we had a lot in common. We were both the only kids there, we both lost our moms when we were born, and we both wanted to make our families proud. She was the closest friend I had right up until the day I left."

April: "What happened?"

Me: "One minute, we were sparring. The next, I was leaving."

That's when they both realize that Karai was the one I lost to on the day I left, thereby also being part of why I left.

Me: "Then, when I asked for her help convincing Shredder to reconsider, she was silent. She didn't say anything, not even goodbye. And now, as much as I wish I could patch things up, she's still-"

April: "In the Foot Clan."

Me: "Yeah."

Leo: "Well, that doesn't mean she's all bad."

April: *to Leo* "Are you crazy?"

Leo: "April, she's different. She's-"

April: "In the Foot Clan!"

Leo: "Yeah, but she's-"

Leo: "In the Foot Clan!"

Leo: "Look, I know I shouldn't be hanging out with her, but Alyssa used to be her friend, so maybe-"

April: "Know why they used to be friends? 'Cause she's in the Foot Clan!"

Me: "True, but from what I remember, she's fun, and sometimes I miss having fun that won't potentially lead to the end of the world or getting ourselves killed by alien robots and mutants."

Leo: "I know, right? Plus, I'm tired of being the responsible one besides you."

Me: "Exactly. When do we get to have fun?"

April: *sighs* "So what does she want from you?"

Me: "I don't know. We're meeting her later at the Byerly building. She's got something planned."

April: "Yeah, like pushing both of you off the Byerly building. It's a trap, guys."

Leo: "I don't think so. There's good in her. I know there is. I can feel it. If Alyssa can go through everything she went through and still come out of it a good person, then Karai could, too."

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