Mikey Gets Shellacne: Part 1

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{A/N: I'm skipping over 'Mutagen Man Unleashed' since I don't see Alyssa's presence having any significant changes}

Alyssa's POV:

Today, I walk into the kitchen and find Leo, Raph, & Donnie standing in the middle of a complete mess.

Leo: "Oh, man. This place is a disaster."

Me: "Que diablos?" (What in the world?)

Leo: "Oh, morning, Ally."

Me: "I thought Mikey usually makes breakfast."

Raph: "Yeah, what's the deal? Mikey! Mikey, get up!"

Then, we hear Mikey scream from his room.

Mikey: "Aah! What the? I'm a mutant!"

Leo: "Uh, he's just realizing that now?"

Mikey runs into the kitchen, his forehead covered in huge zits.

Mikey: "Guys, look at me! I'm covered in turtle zits!"

The guys all groan in disgust.

Raph: "Talk about shellacne. You look like a green chimichanga."

Leo: "Don't worry, Mikey. It's just part of being a teenager."

Mikey: "Have you ever had them?"

Leo: *diva pose* "Heck no!"

Donnie: "Hold up, guys. I think this might be serious."

Donnie leads Mikey into his lab for a more definitive examination.

Donnie: "Ok, Mikey, the good news is these so-called 'zits' aren't gonna hurt you. And, more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast."

Mikey: "That's a relief."

Donnie: "But the bad news is they'll continue to spread all over your body.-*voice gets deeper*-Spreading, and spreading, and spreading, and spreading."

Mikey: *laughs nervously* "And then they disappear in a couple hours, right?"

Donnie: "No. And then your entire body will mutate into one single, huge, giant, gargantuan zit."

Mikey: "NO!"

{Time skip}

After that, and endless teasing from Raph, Mikey locked himself in his room. So, Leo's been trying to coax him out for hours.

Leo: "Mikey, come on! It's not as bad as you think. And Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore."

Leo nudges Raph forward with a stern look.

Raph: "That's right. I'm sorry I called you 'Crust Muffin', and 'Fungus Face', and 'God-zit-la: King of the Pus Monsters'. Now, come on out here."

Mikey: "No way! Not while I'm covered in gross, slime-filled zits!"

Donnie: "Technically, they're pustules filled with oil and sebum, which is even grosser than slime."

Leo: "Uh, not helping, Donnie. But thanks. Mikey."

Mikey: "Forget it, guys. I'm too hideous to be a ninja. I'll stay locked away in here forever! And even longer if I have to."

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