I, Monster: Part 2/Alien Agenda: Part 1

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Alyssa's POV:

Mikey: "What's gonna happen to Splinter if we can't stop the Rat King? Which, by the way, lamest villain name ever."

Donnie: "Let it go already."

Raph: "We're gonna stop the Rat King, and Splinter's gonna be fine. Right, Leo?"

Before Leo can answer, we hear a rumbling from ahead of us. We look forward as a pack of rats barrels toward us.

Raph: "You gotta be kidding me."

We all leap to hang onto the pipes above us when a rat leaps up and bites Mikey on the head.

Mikey: "Oh, no. They've got the taste for turtle now."

Leo: "Come on. Just keep moving."

We all hold onto the pipes and travel across them like monkey bars.

Mikey: "I'm just saying, I can think of a million better names than 'The Rat King'. There's 'Ratzilla', 'The Verminator', 'Lord Rattington'-"

Leo: "Can it, Mikey. We're almost there. The utility chamber should be on the other side of that wall."

Raph: "Uh, you mean that disgusting, furry, squirming wall?"

Donnie: "How are we supposed to get past that?"

Leo: "Raph, those barrels, ventilate 'em."

Raph: "You got it."

Raph throws a pair of ninja stars into two cans of liquidated chemicals, causing them to leak onto the rats.

Donnie: "Uh, Leo, you do realize those chemicals are highly combustible."

Leo: "You don't say."

Leo unsheathes his katana and slices an electrical wire to interact with the chemicals. An explosion goes off, and the pack of rats has been cleared out of our way.

Leo: "Let's move."

We hop down onto solid ground as we meet with the Rat King face to face. Whatever gave him his powers also blinded him and disfigured his face.

Rat King: "Ah, my turtle friends, we meet again. And you brought the girl with you as well. How nice."

Leo growls with a hand extended out in front of me in defense.

Raph: "Except last time, Falco, you weren't wearing a sad Halloween costume."

The guys and I laugh as Falco retorts.

Rat King: "I am the Rat King!"

Mikey: *fake cough* "Lame."

Leo: "Sorry, we don't have any treats for you, but we've got a few tricks."

Suddenly, Donnie's T-phone rings.

Raph: "Way to ruin the moment, Donnie."

Donnie: *over the phone* "Uh, April, now's not really the best time.-*pauses*-What do you mean, 'gone'? Gone where?"

Splinter: "Here."

We all turn to see Splinter standing before us, his eyes glowing red from Falco's mind control.

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