Chapter 28.

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Stef adjusted myself that I was facing her and Lena at the same time, "Amelia, how would you feel about making this official? Can we please, please adopt you and make you our daughter forever?"

The words echoed in my head for what felt like an eternity. I have been dreaming of this moment ever since I got to know the people in this house, the members of this family. My moms. My older brothers and older sister. I felt like this moment only could have happened in my dreams, but now it's my reality. I am officially going to be a part of this family.

"My love? What do you say huh?" I heard Stef's calming voice bring me back into reality. I snapped out of my trance and realized the gaze Stef and Lena had on me, practically holding their breath waiting for my response.

"I would love nothing more than to be your daughter." I replied, tears streaming down my face and smiling from ear to ear. Within seconds, my moms embraced me with their open arms in a matter of moments and we just collapsed into my bed. Our limbs were intertwined, trying to hug as close as we could. I thought this moment would never happen for me, from being in foster care for eight miserable, lonely years and being beaten, starved, raped. I am finally home. I finally know what it feels like to have a family. To belong somewhere.

After remaining in my Moms' arms for a bit Stef broke the silence, "Okay my love. We can hug for the rest of our lives but we have to get you to bed. It's getting late and you have physical therapy tomorrow." She lifted herself off the bed and started to close my shades in my room. I hung onto Mama for dear life. I didn't want to let go. Something about physical therapy brings immense anxiety and panic.

"I-I do-don't want to g-go to physical therapy." I trembled.

Lena shot a look at me in concern. "Baby why? It's the only way you're going to get better."

"It's so painful, moms. And it's a reminder that I'm a 14 year old who needs to use a walker to get around. It's embarrassing." I lowered my head. Stef sat on the edge of my bed and brought my head up to meet her loving eyes.

"My love," she said lovingly and with the most care and caution, "I can't imagine what the pain feels like, or how it feels to be this young and be going through so much. But Mama is right, sweets, it's the only way you are going to get better. And you will get better." She finished by laying a kiss on my right temple. I smiled and they started to walk towards the door, but something inside of me panicked.

"W-Wait!" I stuttered. They turned around so fast and looked at me with concern and surprise. "C-Can one of you stay with me? Please? I haven't been alone in a long time. And, and I'm scared." I felt embarrassed to admit. My moms looked at eachother and smiled. Stef walked over, "Scooch over baby girl." She smiled and got underneath the covers with me, wrapping her arms around me and allowing me to lay on her chest.

"My heart can't handle this cuteness. Goodnight my loves" Mama gushed. She blew both of us a kiss before she closed the door.

"Goodnight baby." Stef responded.

"Goodnight Mama," I looked towards Lena's loving eyes, "I love you." The was one of the first times I've said it first. It felt weird, but almost as if I've been saying it my entire life. Lena's eyes remained fixated on mine, "I love you so much, my Ami girl."

I curled up right onto Stef as she continued to rub my back with one hand and rub my hair with another. I've pushed off feeling safe and loved in the arms of Stef and Lena for so long because my walls being up was a part of my life. I don't let anyone in, but I finally feel safe and loved for the first time in my life.

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