Chapter 14.

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-- hi!! life has been so hectic that i have had no time to write but here's chapter 14! please comment/vote/send suggestions!

"Wait.. You want to organize a whole new dance team? Mariana have you completely lost your mind?!" I asked my sister this who sat at the end of my bed, feeling confident in her crazy idea. "Yeah! Ami think about it, we would be much better because everyone who got cut from Jess' team would come to us! And our new team won't have tryouts; anyone can just come and sign up! Isn't it a genius idea?!" Mariana jumped up and down on my bed in excitement.

"Okay Mariana calm down. I still don't know if this is a good idea. I feel like this is going to cause more problems and I'm not in any position to have any enemies. I have made one friend. One!"
"But you can make more if we organize this team! Please Ami trust me on this."
I sighed, "You promise this isn't going to cause any drama or make me have any enemies?"
"I swear. Trust me we're going to have a blast." She smiled.

Mariana left my room to go draw up flyers for our new dance team to hang up around the school for tomorrow while I finished up most of my homework before dinner. Lena made flatbread pizza for the whole family.

"Babies, dinner's ready! Come get it while its hot!" I heard Lena say to all of us upstairs.

"So Ami, Mariana told us about the new dance team you and her are planning! Are you excited?!" Stef asked as I came downstairs and into the kitchen.

I sat down and shrugged, "Kind of. I just hope a lot of people try out and I can get some friends."
"You said you made a friend in your science class right, love?" Lena placed a slice of pizza on my plate.
"Ye-Yeah, Riley. She seems really nice. We're doing a project together."
"We're happy for you babe." Stef smiled.

Mariana's phone buzzed and she picked it up and groaned.
"What's wrong?" Jesus looked over her shoulder to see what she was groaning about.
"Mariana. No phones at the table, hand it over please." Stef held out her hand.
"One minute i'm reading something."
Stef scoffed, "Excuse me?"
"Stef," Lena looked over to her, "just let her read it."
"What is it?" I asked.
"Someone got word of our dance team and they're threatening to try to disband it if we continue with it."
"What?! Why?! Wh-Who did you tell?" I really wished Mariana would keep her mouth shut about some things. The past really does repeat itself.
"I-I only told Lexi. Just to see if she wanted to join!"
"Mariana! She's one of the captains on the other team! You knew she would say something to Jess." I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"Okay everyone just take a breather. This is one of the times that mama being vice principal can help you guys." Stef said.

"Mom's right," Brandon spoke, "Mama can help you guys stay afloat. Right?"
"Well, I could try, I don't think Monte would care if I helped."
"Yesss!!!" Mariana squealed.
"Okay this might work with Lena's help," I started, "But Mariana. I know Lexi is your good friend. But she can't be trusted right now. Look what shes already done. She told people about my past and she ratted you out to Jess about the new dance team!"
"I guess you're right."
"Of course she's right. Lexi's a snitch." Jesus said as he chomped on a slice of pizza.
"Dude, you have a bad habit of talking with your mouth full, jeez." Brandon said and everyone laughed.

Dinner ended and I went upstairs to shower before going to bed. I walked into my room and was scrolling though my phone when I got a text message from an unknown number.

"You won't get away with this. No jury will believe that you were raped. I'll make sure of it. Sweet dreams Amelia..."

Its been two weeks since I received that text from who I'm assuming to be from Patrick. I haven't told Stef and Lena yet, I don't know if I'm ever going to tell them. They have done so much for me as if I was their own child.

Stef, Lena, and I were driving on our way to meet with the lawyer, Laura to talk about the trial that's coming up soon. I haven't thought about what might happen, and what I'm going to feel when I see him again. It's just too hard to think about.

"Hey love, you okay? You seem quiet back there." Stef made eye contact with me through the rear view mirror.
"Yeah, I guess. Is she gonna ask me, like..details about what happened?"
"She might love, but if you're not comfortable yet it is completely okay." Lena turned from the passenger seat and rubbed my leg.

We arrived at the office where me and moms sat in the waiting room until Laura came to greet us.

"Hi Amelia it is so nice to meet you!" Laura came out of her office bubbly and positive. It gave me a boost of confidence and eased my anxiety about the trial.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you too." I shook her hand and she greeted Stef and Lena after.
"So today's plan is to go over what will happen at the trial and get more information on what happened from your point of view? Are you okay with that?"

I impulsively grabbed Lena's hand for comfort and she pulled me closer caressing my back in such a maternal way.

"Uh ye-yeah sure." I think it was clear that I was nervous because Stef spoke up.
"Laura is it fine if we, uh, go in there with you guys?"
"Yeah of course!"

We all headed into Laura's office where she asked just about a thousand questions about what happened when I was living with Patrick. It had seemed like a century in there but when I looked at the clock, only thirty minutes had passed by.

Hearing the awful and traumatizing things that Ami went through made me more thankful that she is safe with us. I could tell that all of this talk about the trial and what to say and how to act made her very overwhelmed.
"Why don't we call it a day and we can meet tomorrow afternoon?"
"I agree," Lena cleared her throat, "It's been a lot to take in today."
"Good idea." Laura stood from behind her desk to walk us out.

Amelia was quiet the whole ride home, which was no surprise. I only wish she would let us in.

When we got home, the kids were hanging outside on the patio with Callie and Jude.
"Hey guys." I saw the kids were eating chips and salsa and laughing, having a great time with each other.
"Hey mom," Mariana smiled, "Where's Ami?"
"She's, ah, in the kitchen with mama."
"How was the lawyer's office?" B stood up, ready to go comfort Ami if she needed it."
"It was alright. You guys Amelia is just very sensitive and overwhelmed with everything and we need your support through this because this will be very hard for --" My sentence was cut short when Amelia came out to hang with the kids.

I could tell they were talking about me because Stef stopped talking right when I walked outside. It doesn't bother me, but being the topic of conversation is getting tiring.
"Hey Ami! Sit down!" Mariana smiled, "So did I tell you Callie is going to try out for our new dance team?" She looked to Callie, as did I.
"Wow, tha-that's great Callie, this is really exciting."
"Yeah I'm pretty excited! I haven't danced in a while though, probably since I was around 6," She laughed, "I danced at this little studio right near my house."
"What studio?" Mariana asked.
"Um..It was called.. Center stage dance center!Yeah that was the name, it's been ages."

Anxiety and emotions filled my body just as Callie said that.

"I-I have to use the bathroom, excuse me." I stumbled fast back inside the house and into my room, I finally remember how I know Callie.

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